Interesting that you failed to address either of my points re Sunak’s suitability. Happy to ignore his part in creating the banking crisis, happy to ignore the fact he took on a job on the proviso of giving up control of the department he’s supposedly in charge of. And whilst ignoring those obvious red flags you describe him as suitable for great responsibility. Fair enough; though doesn’t exactly hold up your opinion of your wisdom
My wisdom, although obviously not as deep rooted and fanatical as yours is, like I said previously. I vote for what suits my circumstance regardless of political affinity. My wisdom has also taught me, that I can choose what to agree or disagree upon . I admire other people's stance for what they believe in but won't be damanding to know the whys and wherefores as to why they think that way . I make no apology for holding my views, you ll probably find outside this forum it's a popular one.
No need to apologise but if no one explained why they felt the way they do there'd be no discussion surely?
I thought it was a discussion*? You’re free to hold whatever views you wish. However there’s honesty in I’d rather vote Tory because it suits me, no need for an apology. But there’s no honesty in pretending to prefer someone because they’re ‘competent’, and then ignoring the holes shot in your assertions of competence. *Discussion includes an exchange of point and counterpoint. Having people disagree with you doesn’t mean you’re being denied your view, or that other people want to have you adopt theirs. It’s healthy, and just as you are allowed your opinion, if you choose to profess it publicly than I also have that right. The problem with the Right in the modern world is that they believe freedom of speech is something they have sole recourse to. They confuse the right to hold an opinion, with having the right to have that opinion uncontested.
You could have listed those votes and not mentioned an MP, and everyone would know that they would have been votes of a Tory MP