I agrre that these deaths are tragic but the way it works is that the rest of us have got to get on with our lives best we can
I took it as the low number of deaths being a reason to want more than a round of golf and the poster was referring to lack of civil liberty?
I think my levels of sarcasm might not have been detected clearly but I've had a nightmare morning work wise so was a very flippant comment. I'm basically saying it's a joke that all we're celebrating is a round of golf and a walk in the park. Rates are now the same as when we opened back up, but we've got over 50% of the population vaccinated and the majority of those who should have been shielding vaccinated too. But any kind of return to normality is still seven weeks away.
Hancock rolled out to celebrate the next part of restrictions easing. NHS staff may or may not have a 1% pay rise, people may or may not have a chance of flying abroad this year and he loves his red room that he called his boudoir towards the end of the interview.
Correct. Especially when its becoming more and more apparent that a massive percentage of cases and deaths are linked to healthcare settings...
No idea, was no mention in the study. All I heard was the zero antibodies for anyone who had been infected. Not sure when study into vaccines will be published but very much hope there is better news from it. The thought of living life in permanent lockdown isn’t a thought to relish.