Loved Mellieha Bay years ago andit was where I I first learned to dive. Went back a few years later and I did a couple of cave dives around Gozo. Scared myself sh*tless when my lamp failed and I got separated from my dive 'buddy' and to make a bee line to wherever a light from another dive flashed and these were only visible when they were pointed in my direction otherwise it was pitch black . On the second dive dive my inexperienced buddy was underweighted and as his compressed air tank gradually emptied he ended up surfacing unintentionally in an underwater 'chimney' that had an air space but no exit point at the top. I had all on dragging him and myself back down so we could get clear. We had to exit the cave from a different entrance as he was low on air, which meant a long surface swim round the headland back to the dive boat with me dragging him along. The dive master was crapping himself on the dive boat as he had 2 'missing divers'. i concluded that cave divers are 'nutters' and apart from the odd wreck dive I always made sure I had open water above me after that. Miss diving but too old now and after a couple of DVT incidents I am now banned . Snorkelling is still fun though but have not done that for a few years. The point of all that was to say that some of the best views in Malta are underwater.
?? I take it you have not been. Italy is very very Italian ( I know that sounds daft but you have to be here to understand) and it not homogeneous like so many cultures( including the UK). The joke is still 'foreign food is how they prepare and serve pasta in the next town'.
It was just a little joke, but your argument is that those "sweeping generalisations" that you took a swipe at are OK as long as they're anecdotally true?
No sweeping generalisations in any of what I said, as far as I'm concerned. Which is interesting, given your response is littered with them. Questioning something which has definitely happened, yes. Generalising, definitely not.
I wish Tekkytyke would write his answers in Italian so we'd know he wasn't in Birdwell, winding folk up.
Most leave voters I know didn’t want immigration stopped full stop, they wanted a more controlled system, similar to Australia, I cannot remember being sold a lie that immigration was to be stopped. As for broken promises can you not remember the Labour Party in 1997 promising us a referendum on our continued membership? This was after the tories scraped the Maastricht bill through the commons promising us a referendum in the process, something they failed to deliver on, we have been continually lied to , by both major parties for years, even the Lib Dem’s were calling for a referendum back in the 1990’s and early 2000’s Our continued membership has been used as a political football for decades, often as a a vote catcher during general elections
Why do Leave voters call British people living abroad Ex-Pats when they are Immigrants.? You know that was the biggest reason people voted to leave was to get shut of them, pesky immigrants.
It doesn't matter what most leave voters wanted - the point is that the minority that wanted immigration stopped were were pretty much told that they could have it. I was told that if I voted to leave then I could have what I wanted. Those two stances are completely irreconcilable, which was obvious at the time, but they were still promised (along with a lot of other things). Like I've said repeatedly, this was all out there. As for the rest of your post, I don't disagree with it but so what? If you're trying to claim that everybody lies so it doesn't matter that the Leave campaign did then that's a pretty thin justification.
Are you sure you were told that if you voted leave you could have what you want? Who said this and when? I can’t remember this nor can I remember being told immigration would stop
So this is who Sestren was listening to,? And there was me thinking he meant the leave campaign was say saying this clap trap...silly me eh
That is a prime example of the people who were led up the garden path to thinking they could have all their immigration bigotries pandered to. Exactly the kind of person this government is gleefully leading by the nose.
This proves how stupid and gullible the leave voters are, let's see what else will happen in the next couple of years