I’ll leave the circular argument about his intent The ‘painted admin into a corner’ is regarding the number of 2nd chances he got. I’m a member of other forums (not football related) and I can’t think of anywhere else he’d have been given a 2nd chance. Personally I thought it was the right thing to do (and I was wrong too). He really should have learned from his mistakes - but instead he became emboldened by being allowed another chance. You gave him far too much rope and he didn’t just hang himself, he risked taking you down with him.
Couple of points on this before I get back to work as this is painful. Replying knowing others will read as I can't be arsed to quote, quote, quote. - The post I was responding to also included me saying I'm going to delete the thread as the person isn't able to answer some of the claims in the thread. That meant the whole thread and comments in it. Not just the post I was replying to. - We gave reasons multiple times why he was given a a few chances to sort out the behaviour. Do we have to go over old ground on that? You can choose to disagree, but why appear to be picking a battle over it? Often those posts were left up because 99% of people were telling him he was wrong to be using those words and surely that's education? It didn't work and you could argue there were too many of those chances, but that would just be an opinion and not one to fall out over. There's no education here in this thread. Just accusations about someone who can't reply. - I never said he didn't say those things. Hence I haven't defended him. Why make it so accusational? There's no excuse for the path he went down on that exchange, hence the ban, but there was context to it it was just terrible context.
I'll never really get my head around why anyone would even get a second chance for posting racist, inflammatory comments. If it were me they'd be banned immediately, but then I'm not admin I'm just a normal human.
Nice undertone of 'admin aren't humans'. What a community we have here. The OP will be laughing his nads off when they log back on.
you gotta think that Nudger has a bit of something abart him.... see the passion in this thread... and he is nowhere near it..
To be fair to admin, that’s the general line here. But YN was a bit of an ‘interesting’ character (hence this thread), and it seems admin thought that a temp ban would pull him into line. As previously I don’t think it helps the world to just ban people, sometimes more can be achieved by engaging and educating. We managed to destroy the BNP by holding them to the same standards we hold other ‘political parties’. Many argued we shouldn’t give them the platform, but doing so proved to be their downfall.
Is it hard to tell? Sarcastic over inflammatory to be fair. Nothing there to cause anger or violence.
This is pretty apologetic: "For the record though, you're massively missing context. He wasn't accusing someone of those things he was trying to challenge them to disprove it. It was a very poor, crass and misguided attempt at making his point, but he wasn't outright accusing anyone of those labels." He knowingly made outright false accusations of a very serious nature which could have had legal consequences for him and this board. I have no idea why you're so eager to excuse him.
The thing is; he genuinely believed he was a voice of reason railing against ‘political correctness’. And many liked him because of that. But the genuine character is shown by the fact that, having been given a 2nd chance, he chose to set about a dirty protest rather than moderating his tone. Frankly turned him from being ‘well meaning, but sometimes uses clumsy language’ to complete see you next Tuesday.
Not hand grenade throwing by any means this thread was started because i can genually remember laughing out loud at some of his comments it was in no way intended to cause problems and i appologize if i have offended anyone
Seriously. Where am I excusing him? I’m genuinely struggling to see it. You don’t need to quote back to me what I’ve said again, but understanding what he was trying to say doesn’t mean I’m apologising for him? You can’t gloss over that I called his response ‘very poor, crass and misguided’ especially when you know it was me who handed out the ban.
I’m going to say this in defence of all Admin because some of the suggestions levelled at us are frankly bonkers. 1. We are in here for the same reasons as everyone else. To chat about BFC. We have jobs, lives and are not here to constantly look out for people misbehaving. We may miss things. We may get things wrong. We do however try to be fair and reasonable. 2. The majority of people who are on here are adults and as such should be able to act as such and take responsibility for their own actions. There is an element of “self regulation” which happens. I’ve lost count of the times someone has contacted me asking for a thread deleting because they regretted saying something the morning after. Frequently you will see an apology and the dust settles. Sometimes it is a balancing act working out the optimum time to intervene. 3. For every person who says “why did you delete that post?”, there will be at least one who says “you should have deleted it sooner.” We can’t keep everyone happy. 4. I’m pretty sure that all members of Admin act in good faith, to keep things civil, free of any kind of hatred and to avoid any trouble. some of the comments towards @Loko the Tyke are ludicrous.
"very poor, crass and misguided BUT..." I don't think handing out the ban nets much credit, you really didn't have any choice at that stage.
I'll post this before you delete the thread. He was using it the way you say. The problem is if poster X is called a rapist in this way, and at some point, he applies for a job and the company do due diligence by investigating his/her social media(and they manage to link their Facebook, for example with their BBS account), a google search may bring up the term "PosterX is a rapist...", which could lead to them not getting the job(again, as an example). This is something many don't think about when putting things on social media. Some time ago, my mates and I were taking the piss out of out mate, who while at a family party realized that a young lass of 14ish had a big crush on him(nothing happened, for the record!). The piss-taking went on for a while and was all in good nature and he saw the funny side, until, that is, when his boss saw some of the Facebook posts we were using to wind him up. He had to go into a meeting and explain that he wasn't a pedophile in front of the entire management team, and almost lost his job over it. We ended up writing a letter to them, fully explaining that it was a **** joke, and we were sorry. I'll never put anything like that online again, that's for sure...
You’ve well and truly lost me now. The ‘but’ follow on that you’ve edited doesn’t forgive or apologise, it just suggests there was context to what he was saying. I can’t believe I’m still asking this almost 12 months on. But why do you always try and take me on? What do you get from winning a battle or making me out to be whatever it is you’re always trying to insinuate? It’s painful to be on the receiving end of but must be tiring for you as well? All I’ve said in this thread is a) we shouldn’t be levelling serious accusations at someone who doesn’t have the right to reply b) there is context to the awful things he said Not really comments I thought would stir up all of this.