To say I’ve got Diabetes. 3 months after my blood tests were done and they ‘forgot’ to call me. Only reason they called me today is I went in to bang on the door after not being able to speak to them over the phone for the last 4 weeks. I’ve not felt well for 6 months but put it down to lockdown blues and not getting as much exercise etc. At least I might get my vaccine earlier now... Useless, negligent, prïcks.
I'm afraid this is a common story with doctors' surgeries. I came down to Barnsley to take my Mum down to Huddersfield Road surgery on Monday morning at 7:30am, after we'd being trying to get an appointment ringing up for 2 months. In that time my Mum had lost nearly 2 stone in weight. Thankfully she's having a proper consultation today. If she didn't have family to intervene I fear she would have just been left till it may be too late. Over 10 years of underfunding has meant that the NHS cannot cope. They've narrowly avoided disaster with Covid by neglecting many other areas, that in the long run will cause as much loss of life in coming years in my opinion sadly. A lot of people in these surgeries & the NHS as a whole must be totally deflated by the poor service on offer, as they obviously care about their calling in the vast majority. The clap for the NHS was totally hollow, just gesture politics.
Sorry to hear that, but at least you now know the cause of feeling so bad. I think the diabetic team are great in Barnsley from my friends who have it or relatives with it
Sorry to hear that. My GP practice was run by a private operator which was hopeless (but I didn't ever use it) but thankfully its now changed to a different provider which actually has GPs and not locums. Sadly I had a very similar experience to you under them. I had an over 40s blood test and screen 3 years late while i was there for travel inoculations. About 3 years (18 months ago) after those tests, I found out there were abnormalities that hadn't been relayed back to me. I'm still trying to get to the bottom of those abnormalities 18 months later, which seems a bit ridiculous, but I'm in the system. The shocking thing was when I finally saw a GP and not a nurse (sadly a locum GP, but she was at least competent), she ran through the original blood tests from 3 years before and the levels were all over the shop, red lines and exclamation marks everywhere. It annoys me beyond belief that I could now know whats what or could feel much better if someone had literally just sent me a text or picked up a phone many years ago. Have a call with my latest consultant Saturday morning so hopefully I can either rest easy or know what it is I'm facing. Hopefully you can just make some dietary changes and manage it. Beans and legumes, it's the way forward! ;-)
I think the cost will be felt for years to come . Take birth rates , nosediving fast . If this continues for any length of time then we are in big big trouble . It appears we have killed more / denied life than we will ever save . Maybe it's a case of your damned if you do damned if you don't but the medical community/ government have certainly had lookers critique regards COVID .
That’s rubbish that it took so long for you to find out. Thankfully, whilst it is a pain, diabetes is easy to manage succesfully with some lifestyle changes and you should be feeling right as rain in no time. I’m presuming you’ve been diagnosed as type 2 at this stage in your life?
Yes, many of my mates in their late 40's / 50's have been diagnosed over the past 10 years & all seem to be coping. It's good @Terry Nutkins that you've finally got a diagnosis & can start to deal with it.
Only thing I’m worried about is not being able to drink as much. Love a party me like. But like I said to the wife, if I can’t drink I’ll just take Class A drugs instead. You should have seen her little face.
I'm pre-diabetic. It means if I don't improve my lifestyle I'll become diabetic if I haven't already. They offered me a course and guru etc but I declined it. I didn't fancy talking to someone about everything I ate and what exercise I'd done. Anyway after I refused this I received a phone call three weeks after my M.O.T that my blood pressure was sky high and I had to send them readings. Why wasn't I told at the M.O.T?
Get out and walk Mr Nutkins, some lovely places to be had & it's free, it will help with the Diabetes also.
Whilst it’s true that diabetes can easily be managed effectively, it’s also equally true that diabetes that is left to get out of control can cause all manner of problems. Eyesight problems, kidney failure, circulation problems etc. and ultimately years off of your life. Do the course, be honest and you’ll thank yourself for it later. They don’t care what you’ve ate and what exercise you have or haven’t done in terms of judging you (there’ll always be someone who’s eaten more and exercised less), it might save your life though or at least some of your organs.