I see people getting themselves giddy now lockdown is finally easing, as someone who as completely quit I'm curious to know where everyone else is with drinking. As a guide 2 units= A pint of weakish beer/lager at 3.6% a small glass of wine 3 units= high strength beer/larger at 5.2% A large glass of wine a bottle of wine is about 10 units.
When I go out for a drink and stress the when it's above 12 months, I can drink 10 and above pints, in normal times I go out Friday and Saturday nights.
I'm not ashamed to admit I have a good drink on a Friday and Saturday and midweek if it's a big game. I can easily drink equivalent of 10 pints Friday and 10 pints Saturday. Then even though i've got work can sup same midweek.
Far, far too much. I've always been a fairly heavy drinker, and lockdown hasn't helped at all! However, for the last few months I've made a conscious effort to cut down. I still drink more than I'm happy with, but I've managed to get up to a regular two or three nights off a week which I'm quite proud of. Next step is trying to reign in how much I get through on the other four or five!
Hardly owt at minute. Mainly a social drinker. Not much opportunity of that. On a low carb diet n’all. Skinny or Michelob.lager. Order of the day.
That's kind of why I'm giving it a rest for now . Alcohol kind of creeps up on you where you end up drinking more and more for the desired effect . Nothing to be ashamed of either , it's just the nature of alcohol .
I drink too much and lockdown has made it worse. Probably have 2 nights off a week if I am honest with myself, and need to cut that down.
I've cut down from 54 cans of Strongbow a weekend to 60 stubby bottles of lager a week. Haven't had cider since Sunday before my trip to A and E. Haven't had a drink since Saturday. Won't drink now until we play on Friday.
Have been known to sup a bit on occasion but after having done a dry March I could quite easily, and happily, never touch another drop
Big fan of those little stubby bottles - limiting myself to them really helps me keep the units down. My big problem is that beer, wine and tea are the only drinks I really like the taste of, so I often end up drinking too much just because I'm thirsty! Finding a decent 0.5% beer has helped massively with that though. I've never been a fan of dealcoholised beer, but I've found that if Lucky Saint is properly chilled then it can almost pass for the real thing. Not a cider drinker at all, but in my hunt for zero or low-alcohol alternatives I recently came across Hogan's High Sobriety, which is a 1% cider. Really lovely stuff - still quite sweet (as a lot of low alcohol stuff tends to be), but not too bad. Rather like a fancy appletiser.
A pint with the Sunday dinner and on the very odd occasion I might have one some other time. I have never been much of a home drinker. Drinking for me is something to go out to the home of a friend or family member or a night out or at least to a pub and enjoy yourself.
Lucky Saint is a really good option. Our Lost AF was good and Hazy AF was a regular in my fridge when we did cans (discontinued now). If you’re looking for low abv options try Small Beer - https://theoriginalsmallbeer.com/co...EAHhAQOxSccAUICZHfGzH7QJIvnqqbAIaAthVEALw_wcB Really good for the low strength.
Currently doing virtual pub every Friday night but I only end up drinking 3 or 4 beers (usually Barnsley Gold and Old Moor) cos I do more talking than drinking. Might have a glass of whiskey on a Saturday night when I'm reading. Definitely drinking less thanks to Covid.