Hardly ever drink these days. Maybe three cans a week but not even that most of the time. Very different story to pre-COVID but with living on my own and working from home I’d be worried if it was any different.
I’ve drunk miles too much since lockdown started. We’ve got into a habit of basically either having a ‘lazy’ night - watch telly and chill out - or ‘date’ night - have a few drinks and a chat and don’t put the telly on. We’re probably roughly 50/50 between the two but more and more we’re ending up having a decent drink 3 or 4 nights a week - it’s lovely but it’s really not healthy. I run a lot so it tends to keep the weight off but it’s still massively unhealthy in other ways. I’m just so insanely bored though.
Will be ten weeks sober tomorrow. I've found my anxiety levels have dropped and I haven't felt depressed in that time, which for me is some feat. A new relationship has also helped with the improvement no doubt.
Did 3 dry months sept to Dec last year , just have a few now at weekends now . Looking forward to a nice pub pint though now
This is where I am. Mondays never drink. Might do Tuesdays too. Then that's it. Mind, it hasn't helped building my own bar like. Boredom bites too easily right now. Especially since i divorced the bitch. Doesnt affect me or work, and have happily managed to run a house, look after 2 boys and work full time. Aforementioned bitch, worked part time. And struggled with it all. In fact, had 6 pints tonigh while sorting out all Bill's etc. Easy this house/kids and work lark. Ok exaggeration, but if I can manage, anyone can. 15 months ago, I wasnt allowed to touch anything, and then ridiculed for not doing. You know, was made dependant on someone. Hey ho, I proved my point, learned everything myself, and any doubters that had my name made into mud, look on in envy. And, I'm as happy as pig in **** Yoooooo reds
No comment. The real truth is eye watering. Drinking at home / alone is bad though, which I've been doing. 4 walls. Drinking & having fun is fine, if you want to. Not drinking is fine too. We have one life.
Far, far too much. Always supped a lot but lockdown and circumstances have seen me caning it too much. Trying to have a few days a week of it but not always successful. Daft as it sounds I will probably sup less when I can go to the pub and get p155ed as I will appreciate those days and be a bit more sensible in between. PS. Tonight was a no drink night as I am seeing our lass in the nursing tomorrow (in the room...2nd time since August)....stressing and worry means I'm on my 9th can cos I won't be able to sleep.
Dont be hard on yourself tonight. Drinking at home means every night's a potential drink night too. When the boozers open the Fridays and Saturday nights will feel more special and like proper weekends, and as you say you're bound to appreciate it more then.
Nowadays only drink at weekends - 4 or 5 pints of beer over 3 days (Fri - Sunday). That's it and don't touch owt during the week. I've felt better in myself with this regime, but to be honest I can't risk drinking more with my health probs. Mrs Snaptin is a teetotaller - has been for about 10 years.
This second lockdown has hit me a lot harder than the first mentally. Always lived for Saturday and Sunday sesh....my missus loved it too....she has MS and is now in a nursing home and dont know if she will be able to come home......had some brilliant trips watching football in Germany over the last 6 years since she was diagnosed and not sure if we will be able to do it again due to her health but will always have fingers crossed.. She still has so much life in her eyes and that's what's killing me. I'll manage though..I'm that kind of blowk .
I'm trying ......can't wait to see her tomorrow...its the worry and depression in between that is hard... cheers
That sounds so hard. People always here for you. I have my issues, which makes it easy to talk about stuff.
Since I got into craft beer the number of units consumed a week has probably doubled, even though the number of drinks has stayed the same! Assuming it's a usual week I'll have 3-4 cans or a bottle of wine on both a Friday and a Saturday, although if the karaoke machine / dj equipment / zoom chat with mates comes out it could be double that! But if I've gone overboard on Friday I'll probably not have anything on Saturday. Both me and the missus are well capable of going a bit wild if we're "in the zone", so we try not to keep more than 2-3 bottles of wine or 8 cans of beer in the house at any one time. Unfortunately, as we live in a huge city we've got four decent wine shops and a craft beer place within ten minutes walk of home! Luckily in winter it's too cold just to nip out, but summer can be tricky! Midweek I very rarely drink as I even after a couple of pints I find it noticeably more difficult to function the next day. I'm also one of those strange creatures that doesn't feel the compulsion to drink during a football match - never have. I prefer to watch the game rather than calculate whether each stoppage in play is long enough for me to go for a pee.