It is astonishing that this woman did exactly what her toddler ordered her to do. Utterly incredible.
When we were kids we had it drilled into us to keep hold of rubbish until we found a bin ... it's not hard. Still do it to my own kids - they're 19 and get annoyed with me when I tell them to say thank you to the bus driver
You have my utmost sympathy. When I was 7 years old, I was sent to the headmaster to be caned for chewing in class (a first offence at that) and when I was 9 for talking at the start of an Assembly which I did not even know had begun (I hadn't spotted the deputy head when he walked into the hall to conduct it). I think that such punishment for such behaviour was barbaric, but it is amazing how far the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction.
"People are *****". Well, many people do not deserve to be described in such a way, but I understand your fury at the behaviour of so many of our fellow human beings. It depresses me as much as it obviously does you.
I was dealing with some social media bullying last week- few kids had been sending vile messages on WhatsApp... charming things such as hope your mum dies of cancer plus all the swear words under the sun. Wasn't their fault as they have Adhd according to the mum ... erm don't let them have WhatsApp and put controls on the phone.
I don't like littering, but I find some of the reactionary nonsense in this thread far more distasteful. And this isn't an exception, it's the norm. The race to be the most offended and demand the most utterly outrageous punishment for minor misdemeanours is such an unattractive trait.
I once picked up a new labourer and as we set off to the job he threw his empty can out the van window. I pulled up immediately and asked "Do you mind picking that up? It's not nice chucking litter all over the place" .... There was a Mexican stand off for a while before he hopped out to pick it up. Thing is; there was a litter bag next to him in the van
yes pulled apart by horses,there are some horses that just never win for you and they need a new occupation
I'm not offended by littering but I am dismayed by the way that it has become the norm in society. For example, Worsbrough Park is cleared by the purple sack litter pickers. Next day it is strewn with beer cans, KFC and McD. packaging. I just don't understand it, my kids didn't litter as it was explained to them that it was wrong. I haven't a solution to this problem except a sentence of compulsory litter picking. I don't agree with physical punishments though, they belong in the 1950s and 60s.
I don't think anyone actually expects litter louts to get a physical punishment, it's a gut reaction to something that has no excuse. Perhaps 10 weekends of litter picking might learn 'em.
They are too busy protesting about things they know F all about and analysing every sentence you say to see if it causes offence.
Woodhouse Moor is less than a mile away from me. This happens every year sadly. Hyde Park / Woodhouse is full of let out houses that are badly maintained & pride in the area is zero amongst the large proportion of residents that are students & their landlords, that also share the blame, dumping mattresses & other stuff at the end of June, when lets are up. There are a few iconic places like Hyde Park Cinema, the Brudenell Social Club & the Left Bank, everything else is pretty much a slum. The council does it's bit to clear up as well as it can, but there is zero pride or community in the area. Unity Day was set up after the riots in the early 90's, but that is held when most of the students have gone home & all the great music it used to have has ended due to noise complaints.
PS, would contrast it with Meanwood Park, that is only a mile & a half away & was nearly as busy on these days. There is now a strong pride in the area & if someone does drop something, someone else will either point it out to them, or just pick it up themselves.
You also have to wonder.... how many of those same people then say they care about the environment, that we should ban plastics and actively criticise non green practices and policies? Covid has highlighted so many flaws. Yet I fear nothing will be done to rid them.