It's not really 'news', is it, though? I just put the kettle on - can someone please alert The Guardian?
This could almost be a self-aware work of ironic genius. One of the purest distillations of boomer mentality I've seen.
The PS speaks volumes. It would be good if you posted more about BFC! I find when you get drawn into political debate you often antagonize, although I dont personally get involved with these discussions. As for the flag, there's a marked difference, as you will know, between the tricolore flying in Italian towns and the Union Jack. First, the St George's flag was taken over by right-wing nationalism in this country and is now seen as a racist symbol, and the Union flag is going the same way, a la Brexit. The Italian flag continues to fly freely, and so it should. As should the Union flag, but this country is tainted in a way that Italy is not (despite its past, which shouldn't taint its present). Personally I enjoy your general updates where Italy is concerned, i love the country and admire you for making a home there. Others seem to find you objectionable, maybe because you constantly get drawn into political debate that you now appear to want to withdraw from... Maybe stick to football?
I really, really, really, really, really hope that this is not an April fools joke being played by Benito...