Not the best written article and obviously not balanced but unfortunately it's hard to disagree with.
Don't overlook though that Boris may choose to do little side-deals with the EU on the quiet to dodge some of the consequences. His only attachment to Brexit was as a means of achieving power. He'll do this while trying to paint Starmer as seeking to rejoin - which the Labour leader has disavowed.
I've got better things to do at Easter than spend an hour or more writing a balanced riposte to an article of that length. In short I do not however subscribe to the view that because Gordon Brown and Megan Markle have decided to chirp up with something, that it must be true, we all have to agree with them, and the country's down the pan.
I said "no hint of balance". And anyone who uses the term "gentle" Europeans to contrast them with with us, and as far as I can see doesn't once mention covid's influence upon the economic situation, and yet draws final fatal doom laden conclusions just 3 months after we've left the EU, is not exhibiting balance.
“What have gentle Europeans done to hurt Britain?” If he hadn’t put the word ‘gentle’ in then he’s be open to…. “What have Europeans done to hurt Britain!!!???? I’ll tell you what! Two world wars blah blah....
Whilst I agree that it’s a bit overkill, we have to put Covid’s influence into perspective There’s no other country that’s economy has suffered worse than ours. We all have to accept that Covid has wrecked the economy, but we’re idiots if we don’t ask why our economy has suffered worse than all our competitors. Excusing our government on this is akin to blaming Sheffield Wednesdays problems on having to exist in a cash strapped Championship.
so nothing specific wrong with any of the facts. If its raining outside you don’t need to balance the news that it’s raining by someone denying it you just report the rain it’s how other nations see us. I have some French in laws and they think we are idiotic. We may not like that but if you try and recreate a long gone empire In a modern world where you can’t just go round nicking things it’ll leave you open to ridicule.
I feel like the article lost all credibility when it decided to hang the message of Britain being dumb off a Megan Markle interview littered with inaccuracies and manipulative editing. Obviously some valid points in there but where’s any mention of our economy threatening to bounce back quicker post Covid than the EU? The analysts are bringing our recovery forecasts forward not pushing them back
Its a hatchet job pure and simple, some points are valid, but fk me what about this for a sweeping statement 'a nation that imploded into stupidity, ugliness, hate, brutality, ignorance, greed, racism — all of which were on vivid display as Meghan Markle recounted how badly she’d been treated' . A NATION? some maybe but by no means all, there are many decent Brits and that ( incredibly biased - by that I mean lets just take statements at face value and not challenge owt eh Oprah?)Megan Markle interview has already had bits proven to be inaccurate