Looked like the Reading coach walked off with no acknowledgement and Val told the rest of their coaching staff to do one. The championship has more graceless coaches than at any time ever. Looks like Reading have another.
Well you'd expect those 2 to have a bit of humility and good spirit towards the opposition, especially considering they saw Roy Keane's behaviour towards the oppo at close hand!!
Oshea went to shake vals hand after the reading head coach stormed off. Val declined oshea and sent him and fortune on their way.
Their Head Coach refuses to shake VIs hand but you think he should show good grace, ignore it and shake the hands of the remains Reading staff?
Yup. I agree. One of their coaches offered a handshake. If he had a beef it should have been purely, at the manager/head coach. Hate tit for tat.
Neither head coach were sporting, but Val could have shook hands with the Reading coaching staff who went to shake his hand and didn't walk away.
The foul language was coming from their bench. Commentator said there’d been words earlier. Quinton was always a nice fella.
I understand the MLK/Ghandi approach but I wouldn’t agree with it in this case. I’ve made the point a bit more eloquently in another post.
Think they were contesting every decision like the players always in 4th officials ear. Staff were having words 1st half was getting heated.