Social media, in general. This, the BBS, is the closest I get to any form of it. I seriously despises Facebook. Wife’s Facebook ‘friends’ for example; * Someone you didn’t like at school and pretend not to see in Tesco is NOT your friend. * Someone you work withs sister is NOT your friend as you’ve never met her. * Someone you had a 5 minute chat with, on holiday, 9 years ago is NOT your friend. * My friends are NOT your friends. * Very, the catalogue company, is NOT your friend. No point claiming to have ‘over a thousand’ friends when, in reality, the real friends couldn’t even fill a phone box.
Well this morning its people feeling the need to post pics of the mountain of easter eggs that they,ve bought their kids, its exactly the same xmas day, a mountain of presents with a comment like " i hope theres enough " whilst what they really mean is, " please tell me what a brilliant parent i am", sickly, room 101 for sure...
What about Americanism?, when i wer a kid we had a school disco, now its a prom, we had a shopping centre, now its a mall, a headteacher is now a principal, the list goes on, i can,t stand the way we suck up to the yanks....
I’m aware of their origins, but we (in England) didn’t get them from there (there’s been a Jewish presence in the U.K. for hundreds of years), we imported them from the States the same as we do with all popular culture.
Conversely, and perhaps controversially, I don't understand why everyone gets annoyed by this. I think it's fine. Mall is quicker to say than shopping centre. Headteachers never taught so principal is a better name. Headteacher itself must be fairly new as a non-gendered version of headmaster and headmistress. Season, series, they're both perfectly fine. Prom does sound weird to me but I won't lose sleep over it. I can see why it would add excitement for kids, given how important it seems to be in shows. My only lament is that we haven't adopted sidewalk as it is amusing in its literalness. Is it just me on this?
When people walk down the street shouting into the mobile phone with it on speaker mode. Just talk normally. You aren't on X Factor.
Yes. However the daughters end of school efforts were way more lavish than the discos we had so needed to be called proms.