Absolutely ridiculous. Mowatt should never have given that pen up. Now means Dikes head could be down. Forget hat trick sentiment. Put ourselves in a position we should not be.
Mowatt’s pen against Reading was awful. He was lucky to get away with it. Goes to show the importance of Woodrow.
Got to say totally disagree. Mowatt has taken one penalty, because Cauley was off the pitch. And for me it was no better than Dike’s. Lad has been motm, won us the game and grabbed the ball to get his hat trick. That’s exactly what I want to see from him. He’s a striker. All striker’s at this level should be able to take a penalty.
How many dead balls have you seen Morris and Dike strike out of interest? I can't remember seeing either of them ever do it.
Looked as tho VI was giving Mowatt a bollocking at the end for not pressing his authority and taking the pen. Could be wrong tho...
Can look back and sigh with relief but at the time I was fuming! From a potential easy 3-0 to squeaky bum 2 1 was awful.
Dike as dragged or hit poorly lots of balls that were not moving and he as to generate all the pace through timing and Morris scored a good goal from a stationary ball When he had to squeeze ball in at Brentford I think it was from Dike assist
Mowatt's head won't be down. He's the Captain. His job now is to lead. His job is to have a word with DD and make him practice penalties....under the tutelage of Cauley!
I don't understand what any of this means. Balls in open play are moving. And Dike generates pace by absolutely tw*tting it (see Birmingham).
Sorry ......DD's head may be down but the rest of the group will see that it doesn't drop. **** happens in football matches and players quickly get over it.
Might work out as a positive if we need to win promotion from penalty’s best to miss today than at wembley
Dike was still our match winner today. Maybe he shouldn’t have taken the pen, but we don’t know what conversations were had, Mowatt and Ismael could be equally culpable.