How do, I wasn't going to post here, but then this board is so good for things like this I thought why not. Can anyone recommend a decent brand / price range for a polarising filter? I know little about filters but I've seen filters really cheap (seemingly only to protect the lens) and some over £100. I'm wanting to try to reduce glare in some shots. Basically, do any photographers have any recommendations. Ta muchly.
Lee, Hoya and B+W are decent brands. You do tend to get what you pay for as far as circular polarisers go. The cheaper ones often introduce colour casts. Think you would get something reasonable between 70-100 quid range
Cheers for that, wasn't sure what sort of price range I should be looking at as the different is vast. I shall invest!
Any camera is only as good as the glass in front of it. Buy the best you can afford but can't help with recommendations as I've only used cheap ones (I'm a tight git ) and then given up with them.
just asked my missus. she's a pro photographer and she agrees with Gally about the Lee filter and the Hoya. "Buy the best you can afford." "lots of hoya filters on the market but go for the top end". Also she agrees with Shenk re camera and glass in front of it. Dont compromise a good lens with a mediocre filter. Dictation over...time for me to go and study the championship table.
Agree with the above (except as a very rare filter user I won’t pay a fortune). Beware of fake Hoya filters on eBay. Also be aware that some types of glare aren’t polarised light. Light is polarised off water and glass but not off metal If it was my money I’d buy a kood or similar, but then I’ve used it about twice in 15 years, and one of those was simply as a quick n dirty ND filter.
I always check eBay for used but good. I stand with Gally on makes . Funnily enough I sold a Zeiss filter yesterday as I no longer had the lens it fitted. For what you want buy the best you can afford, a crap filter will.make the best lens in the world crap. Also Harrison's in Sheffield are always worth a check for used and new. Good online shop.
Funnily enough, I've just bought a lens from them yesterday and it's already arrived today. Absolutely impeccable service from them. I've just got to wake up (and then work) before I can have a play.
If you think my political views are brutal, look away now. Most ‘photographers’ are really just gear collectors, and obsess more about the sharpest lenses than they do about creating interesting images. A £30 filter won’t ‘wreck’ a decent image, but a £100 filter won’t improve a sh ite one
I might have a couple of spares kicking around, varying qualities. Let me know the thread size and I am happy to post you one if I can find.
I bought new and used from them. A lens I bought second hand developed a fault within the year guarantee for used they sent it to the manufacturer and it was back in perfect order in a month.
Tricky subject this....all depends on your use and what the images are for, how wide the lens is (focal length that is) Forget Lee filters unless you already own their filter system (not to mention the £150+ cost - I use Lee btw). For occasional use, Hoya will be fine, and my recommendation. You can pick-up a 72mm polariser from amazon for about £40. These are quite thick, but normally ok unless you use super wide lens's (for vignetting). The better Hoya filters, like the Pro1 (slim profile) or HD range (oil/water/scratch resistant) are double the price, but worth it. The same holds true for B&W filters, at similar prices to the pro1 and hd (I use b&w UV filters). Worth looking at this article - HTH