Of course we are reassured by the Brexiteers it wouldnt happen just like the expats wouldn’t e expelled from Spain . Of course the old arguments from Brexiteers that it’s EUs fault etc etc .
It's never been OFF the cards. Loyalists still want UK Nationalists still want a unified Ireland. Or whichever it is they call themselves these days Still, 12 year old kids lobbing petrol bombs about....
It’s been appeased for years by the good Friday agreement aided a abetted by the EU membership of all concerned parties . It’s never been perfect but Boris and his mates have almost single handedly unravelled it . He said it wouldn’t happen when everyone knew it would he’s a liar with blood on his hands all done while spray painting his lies about the NHS on his bus .
I'm not saying brexit or anything hasn't added to it. I'm pointing out that it has never gone away. And won't either
The troubles in Northern Ireland are entirely due to the NI protocol as part of Boris Johnson's oven-ready Turkey deal. Stoked up by the brain-dead DUP who thought that Brexit would bring back a border with the republic. This will also snuff out any chance of a trade deal with Biden's USA. in 2016 I told anyone who would listen that this would happen.
Just gunna put thus here. Paragraph 4. Thus is from Sky. Peace wall separating catholics and protestants....... Erm, that's exactly what has been going on since the year nought blob..... The arguments and same sides of the fence. It will never end
He doesn't care as long as he gets his way! He will just ruffle his hair pull a gormless face waving a flag and people will lap it up. The man is dangerous throughout his tenure he has misled parliament and lied to the Country.
Has anyone noticed how little this is being reported? It's big news in the USA but isn't making the front pages here. Also only made it in the ITV 6pm news half way through. Why is it not the first item? I'll leave it to you to work out.
The evidence had been the last twenty years where life in NI has been mainly peaceful with investment into the communities they never had before due to the troubles . We are now gonna be inundated with Brexiteers trying to tell us it’s been no different in NI that it’s been the same as it ever was and Brexits nowt to do with it . Problem is most will believe it I mean ffs they voted Tory in Wakefield so how fekin gullible do you have to be ?
Maybe so, I'm just making a point that whilst it's been relatively peaceful, tensions have never gone away. Yes brexit as added to it. I'm not denying that. I'm just wanting some acknowledgement that brexit hasn't been the sole cause of it. Because it hasn't. And anyone who votes tory, and are affected by what they do, get what they deserve. Leapords never change their spots. All we need now is a war in the Falklands again, and it's tory Britain on repeat....
There has been flare ups over the years but nothing anywhere near as to what was at the height of the troubles . I think people have forgot what the troubles were like when they saw the flare ups and compared them to what went off before . Brexit will heighten the tensions and obviously the instigators will be stirring g the pot furiously . Brexit will heighten the us and them feelings which were in all but a minority . Everybody singing from the same EU song sheet brought a lot of the communities together now this option has gone the agitators will be out in force dividing communities and spewing their hate against , Britain, Ireland, EU ,USA and anyone else they can vent their spleen on Brexit has caused this latest trouble imo and imo will gradually worsen over the years we may not get to the heights these evil ***** got us to before but lives will be lost and broken .
And that is a very well put post. And I would agree with it. Just the anger in your opening post took away the well thought out post you've just wrote. If that makes sense. We see enough crap going off, without squabbling and at each others throats on here. That's all
These seriously violent actions burning cars. buses and putting up roadblocks have been ongoing now for the last 10/12 days by the loyalist paramilitaries because of the N.I. protocol sparked by Brexit, these loyalist paramilitaries and the DUP voted for Brexit but the vast majority of N.I. voted to remain so to protect the Good Friday agreement and keep the peace, this was spelt out time and time again what would happen but the likes of Farage, Johnson, Cash, Rees-Mogg and that vile little tw@t Gove just kept poo-pooing it saying the remoners were scaremongering. Johnson and the N.I. secretary along with all the right-wing media have been silent on these violent actions taking place the only reason why I can think of is that it's all caused by Brexit.
The anger was intended , the anger was for Boris ,zFarage and anyone that said this couldn’t happen whilst advocating Brexit would be good for us , the anger is because they lied