If you stick it in your arse and do the same you get funny looks from the other shoppers in Morrisons
So if a mad dog tries to get you, you just need to levitate for a while, until he wanders off all confused.
Eddie The Eagle Edwards has calculated the definitive unified theory, bringing together Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, that will fundamentally change all our lives for the better, but he stands to make more money from being a failed ski jumper, so he's actively suppressing it and playing us all for the fools that we are.
If you lined up next to each other the amount of Nutella jars sold each year, it would stretch the length of the Great Wall of China 4 times over..... Approximately 52k miles, give or take. 25% of the world’s hazelnuts goes into the production of Nutella every year.......
I'm filing that one next to "Lizard Aliens Rule The World". Not discarding it, mind. Just filing it away.
There never was a man from Nantucket. The entire population is made up of hermaphrodites displaying entirely female characteristics. Many men have tried to land on the island but none have ever lasted more than a few minutes before being ritually devoured by the residents. On the plus side, they make some lovely doilies.
If all the threads on the BBS were merged into a single super-thread, it would be a very long thread indeed.
You can actually multiply by zero. It's a bit tricky and by the time the bloke who was writing the paper got to that bit it was half five on a Friday and he was meeting his mates in the pub at six, so he just said you can't.