On the day after the referendum I asked my Brexit-voting friend how he thought they would resolve the Irish border issue. He said, honestly, that he hadn’t given it a second thought. I spend a fair amount of time in that part of the world, and I knew that unless there was an arrangement that kept us in the Single Market, the things we are seeing now were utterly predictable. The no-marks that have engineered this Brexshit **** show, and are supposedly ‘in government’, are going to have problems bluffing their way through this one.
I think you'll find it's the Unionist terrorists and their backers and supporters, including the DUP leadership, who have started the latest public disorder. The lack of intervention by the current PM is despicable. Just wait till he deploys British troops on British soil again and they start start killing British citizens. (Again) controversial view but those of us who have lived a long time, know the agenda of a Conservative government in Ireland. The US will not allow a international agreement which they brokered, (after decades of UK belligerence) and has brought peace to a part of the UK, to be unravelled by a set of shysters,known as the UK government.
I feel sorry for the people of N.I. whichever way they voted if the troubles start again (let's hope they don't) the people who voted to remain did not want any more troubles and the people that voted to leave were lied to, everyone knows the liars and they should be held responsible. That detestable woman Kate Hoye is denying what she said I read
I’m not saying “who started it” or why. I’m just thinking back to a good 20 years or so when all seemed peaceful and hopeful and the troubles seemed to be over. I don’t think they ever will be.
If you were a visitor to, for example, Derry, during the Troubles, and then since the GFA, you would absolutely appreciate how much things had changed. A couple of years back we visited the famous ‘Entering Free Derry’ gable end to find the area full of Japanese tourists taking photos. They certainly wouldn’t have been there between 1969 and 1998!!
this from 3 years ago from a comedian who knows what is is talking about has aged spectacularly well It was predicted by anyone with any vested interest in keeping the peace in Ireland. Unfortunately some leading politicians didnt care In fact it was caring about this that cost May her job and chance to put through a less bad Breit
Sadly this was all predicted in 2015/2016 but those who asked about the NI situation were branded scaremongers. The DUP, who have no other policies bar hatred and division, are stoking this one. Happy to support Brexit when it would be a hard border on the island of Ireland, now that Johnson has given them a border in the Irish sea not so much. It is the Loyalist paramilitaries stoking this, at imo the behest of the DUP. There is also the small matter of all paramilitaries involvement in organised crime to take note of. The Border in the Irish sea is disrupting the drugs trade that the Loyalist paramilitaries have a grip on. Someone has quoted Patrick Kielty's tweets and unfortunately he is being proved correct. Never liked his comedy that much but the sense he speaks from experience is off the charts (he is from a Nationalist/Catholic background and his father was killed by the Loyalist paramilitaries - he knows of what he speaks). - Edited to correct version thanks to DalesTyke below. No-one took the Irish border situations seriously at the time of the Brexit vote. Mainland UK really does not give a f&*k about NI, even though the Loyalists love the UK and the fleeeeg. The fact that they will all now lie about their comments at the time - the wizened harridan Kate Hoey being a prime example, is despicable. Run away and wash your hands. No - this is the current UK government's ***** and the have to own it. It is the Brexiteers ***** and they have to own it. I live in hope that Biden's America and the EU (in supporting the Republic) will ensure they own it. (you see I mention fleeeeg's above - the link below will explain the relevance)
I think you are wrong, the troubles will end one day, the day that Ireland is reunited under the Irish flag and the loyalist paramilitaries turn their anger against the Irish government who will deal with it in whatever way they wish. But hey ho, it won't be a British problem any more will it?
Loyalist seem angered about the irish sea border with the uk. Its making them feel like they are part of the unification. God knows why the republicans were rioting. Maybe seeing the loyalists spill the street. Knew this was gonna cause a bit of chaos. They will will be always anger from one side regardless. Its almost impossible to meet in the middle. Having said that boris johnson as made a massive fk up lying but it would surprise me more than anything if he stuck to his promises
And yet the GFA managed to do just that. Not impossible at all, just exceedingly difficult and requiring careful management. Then along comes our clown of a PM to crash it for political vanity.
The Nationalist side of the divide did not respond to the Loyalist rioting over the Easter weekend - the Shinners managed to keep them in their boxes. Its only in the last three nights as the rioters began to target Nationalist areas that the response has occurred. We actually have had 20 years plus of both extremist element of the two sides being able to think they had "won". The large majority who don't care that much being able to get on with their lives. Kids being born and growing up without the army on the streets, being able to move around freely without being stopped and searched. I was even able to referee a Gaelic football tournament at my home club here in Cork that had teams from the Irish Defence Forces, the Gardai, the Irish Guards of the British Army and the PSNI taking part. This kind of stuff is not easily won in the environment over here. Now, thanks to all the Brexit advocates who didn't give a flying **** about Northern Ireland this is gone. And they continue to claim Brexit isn't causing this FFS.
No offence mate but coming from Cork you should be doing better. Kielty is from a nationalist background and his Father was murdered by a British/Loyalist group (UDA/UFF)
I just hope that there are enough sensible people who fūck the sectarian politicians off and press for the peaceful existance they've become used to. I like Ireland, both North and South, it would be a shame for it to disintegrate into chaos again.
Apologies, and to Patrick if he reads the BBS - you are of course correct. Only live in Cork (21 years) from Barnsley - poor excuse really.
imo We're only a few years away from the North re-joining the rest of the Country anyway (assuming there's a democratic election) so this is just s pre-curser to the potential problems then. I'm not sure how the (British) Govt of the time are going to deal with a lot of people who may wish to retain their nationality. I'd be all for bringing those (who don't wish to stay in Ireland) back to what is likely to be (then) England/Wales, and guarantee them jobs/homes. Expensive as it will be I think Britain has that obligation to those people.
Whereas I've got a Grandmother from Shandon! Was last on Cork 3 years ago. Brilliant City in spite of the Young Offenders!