Only joking mate, I don't believe we should have vaccine passports (except for foreign travel and only short term) and people should be persuaded rather than shamed or coerced. I read an interesting article in the Gardian about COVID sceptics, link below.
It’s actually insane that a lot of the same people that trivialised Covid deaths with a made up number like 0.000000000000001% death rate are extremely concerned with an extremely rare side effect that pales in comparison to the effects of Covid.
We’re well into Dunning Krueger territory here aren’t we. A football forum full of overweight old blokes who are ‘experts’ on how a team of professional athletes should play football. Now becomes a group of ‘experts’ on medical ethics. No training required, we can turn hundreds of years of learned debate into a binary question.
Nutters. But conflating that lot with people who simply oppose lockdown measures because they believe the harms now significantly outweighs the benefits, or choose not to take a vaccine for the reason that their personal risk of Covid does not warrant the potential unknown risks is facile and dishonest. I think people do it because they don’t want to engage with the actual arguments being made.
I might be old (65) but I resent the overweight assertion. I'm 5'10" and 12 stone and cycle 10 miles a day (average since 1st Jan).
I would imagine that the majority who have voted on this have had zero training or even read up on medical ethics. Ridiculous. Another inflammatory post basically where the OP mysteriously disappears shortly after I might start a "what's everyone's views on Brexit?" thread, then **** off...because the OP in my opinion has zero interest in debating this in reality.
I suppose the other view is to encourage people to crack on as normal, a model which is currently proving a success in Brazil........... oh err hang on a minute
That post was in response to me, and to be clear I have never trivialised covid deaths. And my concern re: side effects is not so much the clotting itself but more the fact that it demonstrates that there could be other effects which haven't been picked up in the relatively short period of testing carried out.
Only 10 votes so far which is less than the number of replies. I've not voted because it's not a question with a binary answer. I doubt if anyone on here has had training in medical ethics except maybe the odd medical professional, I certainly haven't.
My post wasn't referring to you at all, just for the record. Just in response to what I see online in general.
I thought it might not have been - just wanted to make myself clear as I know that a lot of the arguments and reasoning against vaccines are ill-thought out and a bit nutty and I didn't want to be lumped in with that group
Yet again the government can't wait for further clarifications on side effects. On Wednesday the actual medical professionals made changes to the administration of the AZ vaccine. Friday Schapps/ Michael Green makes a sweeping statement that foreign holidays are back on! All whilst Brazil is in a mess and 150k visitors to UK can't be traced. NI burns but that holiday to Benidorm is back on folks......anyone would think they're either useless or doing this on purpose.
It seems illogical to me still to be against this vaccine but not against all vaccines. There's been no corners cut in the approval process. It's passed the exact same tests as any other vaccine. I don't think (and never have) that the vaccines should be forced. And they won't be. Everything I've seen regarding 'vaccine passports' is always vaccine or negative test to do certain things. That's significantly different to forced vaccines. Mainly in the fact that they're not forced.
It's a balancing act of risk for me. I'm not against other vaccines because they've had decades of use. Regardless of the approval process there are still unknown elements. That's not a criticism of the vaccine, just a function of time. I expect that the probability of there being any undiscovered materially adverse side effects to be low, but the chances of covid badly affecting me are already very low.
I think that if you REFUSE the vaccine you shouldn’t be allowed to operate in open society. If you break this curfew that you chose then you should be charged with attempted manslaughter. If you CAN’T have it for an actual reason and not because you’re right on little tarquin from pwep schoow, then you should be supported as much as possible. I don’t include the cranks who pray to a sky wizard as can’t.
What about other medication? Do you research everything that a doctor prescribes for you or do you trust the medical regulators?