I love Magnet and John’s cask. Miners at Old Town had great cask until a few years ago. Me, my dad and mates would often swill a quick 4 pints before walking down to Oakwell, a fifth sometimes costing us the odd missed early goal. I don’t like John’s Smooth - too cold and tasteless.
No he didn't Marlon - he was an electrician for a private company - his brother Max did and his father, not sure what pits though
I thought your dad was Max , I worked with him at Houghton . Also went with him to Spain on the Perrywinkle trips .
The last time I saw my uncle Max was when we buried my Dad around 6 years ago and he was at the funeral - sadly, he also passed away a few months ago and I couldn't make the funeral due to covid restrictions - remember him well though and the Peri - had a few good laughs in there with my Dad and Max just before I left for London in the late 80's - I remember when they levelled the Peri - my Dad wasn't best pleased, he lived on Wilson Street round the corner from the Peri, and had to relocate to the Barley Sheaf which he didn't particularly like as they didn't have Stones on tap!
So sorry and very sad to hear about Max , was a very good workmate at Houghton and on the trips to Benidorm with the Peri . Met up with him a few times in Wombwell in the Prince , Also on the Pit reunions around Wombwell . RIP Bear.x
Thanks Marlon - much appreciated - the second comment on your tag is absolutely correct btw - cherish life, and cherish being alive as it's not a dress rehearsal as a very good friend of mine pointed out to me a long time ago.
No accounting for taste but John Smiths is probably my least favourite bitter you can buy. Or it was anyway haven’t touched it for years. Now his brother Sam brewed a decent pint though I prefer these days the Black Sheep brewery if we are on Yorkshire beers
Magnet is still available! Nobody seems to ask for it these days. I’ve done about 1000 brand installs in Barnsley and surrounding areas last few years and never been asked for it. Maybe it’s time for a comeback?
How the hell do you spend the first half doing anything other than pissing with four pints inside you?!
Never break the seal until I get to the ground, then three tactically timed trips to West Stand Bogs just before kick off, half-time and full-time. Then back to the Miners for some more
No - his father was Fred - I think he was a pit deputy, not sure which pit though - Fred's brother was called Owen - I only met him once, from memory I think he was pretty good at carpentry
Growing up the only pub in our locality that served Barnsley Bitter in Hatfield near Doncaster. As a teenage drinker the landlady Mrs Hill insisted that you produce your birth certificate as proof of age and then along with her bar manager Dennis, would eye you up and down. They would then tell you the total number of pints you could have during a session and would record your tally in a notebook behind the bar. They wouldn't let us buy in rounds to ensure we weren't exceeding our allocation. They did it as a safeguard to young drinkers as the beer was like rocket fuel and the pub was rammed every session.
I used to like the Old Moor Porter, but there are so many good porters and impy stouts now that i'm not that fussed. Gorlovka though, that is a seriously good beer for such a low ABV (well, low for an imperial stout). Must admit, the brewery I've been most impressed with the last few months is Vocation.
Just an aside.... has anyone tried the plum porter from Nailmaker? I've been a long time fan of Titanics plum porter, so just wondered if anyone had tried it and how it rated against Titanic?