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They play for Neil Warnock. Beggars belief the lack of self awareness in some people, especially footballers.
Maybe they should be tweeting about that? Or how they've both picked up massive wages in a shi ite team all season?
Morsy and Browne, sat at home, doing fc-uk all except tweet and drop negativity on other pros that have literally worked their ar5es off all season to get where they are. It's a bit sad on their part, really. They were most likely sat there thinking they were being clever and somehow superior when tweeting, without realising what a pair of losers they've ultimately come across as. They've failed this season. They play for Warnock (Mr Long Ball), yet still have a massively misplaced sense of superiority. It's strange. Morsy is too fat and slow to get in our team, and I genuinely had never heard of Marcus Browne before.