There is no issue with houses on Grove Street, all 6 possibly effected could be bought for less than half an Herbie Kane.
I don't think there's any issue with right to light on grove Street. The houses are considerably further away then other developments that get the go ahead up and down the country regularly The west side of the ground is a triangle, the houses are at the widest part meaning they're furthest from any new stand where light would be highest. I also might be missing something but isn't the east stand the height it is due to having an upper tier? The lower concourse isn't tall, just unfinished.
I remember reading the reason it was so high and a relatively small footprint was a water main but cat think where it would run
The new ‘media facility’ you refer to was only put up because the old one was no longer fit for purpose. But the new one, whilst adequate for where we are now, would need to be 75% bigger to comply with Premier League regulations. The gantry isn’t big enough. There aren’t enough toilets. There aren’t enough spaces in the press box. There aren’t any flash interview rooms. All the cabling and wiring would need re-doing. And that’s just a few things off the top of my head. I don’t think the lighting levels are an issue any longer. They were addressed a couple of years ago. In fact, I believe there’s a few bulbs that aren’t in use because it was initially too bright. In essence though, there would be a huge overhaul necessary between the end of this season and going into next season, were we to be promoted. And as far as I’m aware, because nothing is concrete at this stage, the work would be done in and around the West Stand, renovating it to comply in the short term. So we wouldn’t be seeing the end of the West Stand in year one. We’d have to temporarily make the best of what we have. But it seems increasingly likely that the West would need to be replaced in the near future.
Dude. Cool ya jets. Surely you appreciate there’s a balance between ‘making do’ and blowing a shed load of money on the biggest stand possible? There’s a difference between small town mentality and sensible spending. There’s very little evidence to suggest our total capacity commands much above 25,000. A redeveloped west stand around the 6,000 mark is more than enough.
I believe it’s been said planning my be an issue due to potentially blocking natural light, also I seem to recall the club failed in an attempt to compulsory purchase the houses.
The “media suite” at the rear of the west stand is not what is required by the PL. It is used in the pre and post match not during the match itself. The current camera gantry is completely inadequate as there is a limited loading in terms equipment and personnel. The south half under the upper seating is inhabitable. The only part used is the toilet for the subs on match days.Water is connected but ‘dead legs’ have been removed to limit legionella. Most of the Amosite and Crocidolite (asbestos) has been removed though the cladding is asbestos/cement. As for the lighting, amendments were made to the lights on the NW & SW towers with additional and more powerful elements, but even so the PL has a higher standard than the Championship. The floodlight towers were second hand from Aston Villa more than 50 years ago. The west stand has served the club well but it is time for us to move on and be redeveloped.
But the east is only 1500 above that isnt it? And would allow for a great looking ground instead of a bodge job
2 of the 6 houses have sold in the last 4 years for less than £200k combined. Bonkers if the club didn't buy them and let them out
Just like us, PNE have a capacity of 23,000 with average gates of 13,000. A smaller stand on that side would be more than sufficient. If we suddenly got a surge of support we have the North Stand to split in two.
Whether we get to the greed league or not, it is good to see Subbuteo have released a Premier League version of their classic game.
I don't know if anyone has taken a second to think why the club didn't buy the Grove Street School site which is directly adjacent to the Grove Street houses? I've lived at Oakwell for 25+ years. The residents were approached numerous times by the club (I was their insurance agent aswell) in the late 90s early 00s. Houses have been up for sale and not purchased. The only reason the indoor arena got the go ahead was its at the rear of properties. Don't folk realise if something could have been done by now it would have. The school has been demolished for best part of 4-5 years now and the only activity to build the 30 odd houses is weed growth. That land went for less than 200k. All I think is the purchaser is keeping hold of the land just in case something did happen West Stand wise. But when all said and done nothing will happen until the wrangling in-house is sorted so enjoy the 'old girl' until then.
Why would a modern redeveloped stand with a ~6000 capacity be a bodge job? The total capacity of the new Brentford stadium is ~17k. Would you call that a bodge job?