Just looking at football as a business. The idea that six clubs could join a league based purely on their unofficial, self appointed status of "big 6", without any danger of losing their place in that league, whilst pocketing a shedload of cash as well as using this cash to continue to dominate the PL, would be something the Competition and Markets Authority to take a view on. From a sporting view, the Premier League, UEFA and FIFA should expel them from any of their competitions. Let them try and play to their worldwide TV audience, while the rest concentrate on "Legacy fans". The Champions League group stage is incredibly dull anyway, not sure how this Super League would be any better?
Those mini tournaments are pre season friendlies and don't have points attached to them. Some might give a token sponsors cup, but it means nothing and the incomes are modest. What's more, these clubs don't have to resign from another tournament to take part.
Nothing beats a last minute Amazon delivery. The emotion of getting that parcel 2 minutes before the end of your slot - priceless.
And how amazing are they when they dodge tax? Best in the world at it! We love you Amazon... we do.....
Of course we have experience of Arsenal and Tottenham fixing leagues for their own interests, leopards never change their spots
True to an extent, but the point is there's no guarantee that in a true sport they would make the Champions League, this arrangement guarantees them a closed shop for the next 23 years.
I support Sainsburys, it was hilarious seeing Tesco have been in trouble for selling out of date food. FTSE 100, you're having a laugh FTSE 100, you're having a laugh
Boris proclaimed that greed and capitalism have fired the UK's vaccination programme, it seems the same is inspiring this Euro super league. Don't know why he's complaining, unless he thinks it will make him more popular?
I can see him getting in a complete tangle over this over the next few weeks if the ESL don't collapse under pressure. Its free market global capitalism. But its a populist tribal environment. Perfect for a corrupt pillock to dabble in just ahead of council elections.
I like to dredge that one up whenever I get in conversation with Arsenal or Spurs fans. They never know anything about what happened and don't care either.
Agree with all that, I’m referring to the point made about referring to competitions and marketing authority. That both a preseason and this is by invitation only.
I suspect contracts and rights are very specific given the competition they are in. If out of season, clubs have more carte blanche to set up something that suits them.
Last year Real Madrids revenue was €822 million. If he cant run a profitable business with basically one product and that revenue maybe he should step aside and let a competent businessman have a go
But its not a true league. So clubs just arrange between themselves. Its a bit like saying in July, Tiverton v Barnsley FC is an exclusive invitation only event. It's just a friendly.
2. Sports An association of teams or clubs that compete chiefly among themselves Sounds like the proposed ESL & a preseason tournament to me.