Played West Ham in the league cup, lost 2-1 think it was 1981 or 1982, anyway, driver of the coach decided to take us to highbury instead, Kexborough supporters coach, we arrived at 7.40 all the while telling him we were going to west ham, ended up making the driver get a taxi & follow him to the ground, got in just as Ian Evans scored for us, about the 70th minute, After the game we goes to where the coaches were parked, all there bar ours as the driver was so scared he didn't want to come back, so, there were 50 of us waiting in this street, west ham fans both ends & the police trying to coax this driver back, which he eventually did about 11.30pm just as the police were going to leave us!!
Went to that. Parked in a multi storey asked a woman for directions to ground. Got a load of abuse back. Like you said chucked it down and folk moved back out of rain, but stewards wouldn't allow it, so got soaked. Played crap. Remember Hirst scored and acted like a toss pot. Great day!
Kidnapping Not one I witnessed . But several that i worked with did. Anfield 1982. There was all that bother outside the busses after the game. Bus load from Elsecar/Hoyland. Dragged a scouser onto the bus. And released him near leeds. minus footwear.
We used to travel with O'dwyers odd times when Gary used to run the bus. I remember going to Forest away and we dropped off in a place called Kimberley for refreshments but when we got there there were 2 pubs one boarded up and the other shut till 2 o'clock! Another time he put a trip on for Cardiff away so me and my dad got booked on for the weekend but there can't of been much interest because when we turned up for the coach there were only 8 of us. A transit van pulled up and the side door opened revealing two rows of seats and a table in the back I could of cried! We all piled in only to find we were a seat short in the back so we took it in turns standing up the 4 hours to Bristol where we were staying and did the same coming back. Good times when you look back not so much at the time though.
Made a last minute decision to go to white hart lane for Enfield replay. Phoned then girlfriend, now wife. She said she wanted to go, so picked her up mid afternoon and drove down to London. Arrived just before kickoff parked up and rushed to ground. Must have walked almost right round stadium to find away end. It was packed. At the end came outside and had no idea where I'd left the car or even what direction to go in. Just walked about aimlessly hoping to recognize something. Eventually found car about an hour later. It was parked by a cemetery! If only we'd have paid more attention. I always do since then.
Used to work for a company based in Southampton, and both times I managed to get a night out down there I was flashed by a random woman. I must go back at some point...
what about the days before phones and t'internet though Helen. I've "lost" the car on more than one occasion
I once drove to Meadowhall. Came out and couldn't find car. After an hour or so of walking around pressing key fob I lost the plot. Got train home and went for a pint. Got first train back next morning while car park was empty. Previous day while searching I must have walked past it a dozen times!!!!
It was the Monday night cup tie against Southampton.We got a landlord to open his pub about had a few beers then the Royston legion bus turned up and we left.At the time the legion had a bad reputation.The day after I bumped into a mate who'd travelled down to the match with them and he told me about the clock incident.
Booking a pub for Watford away but having to ring and cancel the food etc because coach driver headed to Watford via A1 not M1 and we were so late we went straight to ground.