He wasn't anti EU, but he's taken an anti EU stance to try and covet the leave voters. Therefore putting a pro EU voting base in great jeopardy. I've just done the postal vote for London Mayor and assemblies. Though I voted for Sadiq for Mayor, neither of the two other votes had a cross in a labour box.
I don't know what the council set up is there, but if you've been there is a lot of money there so a decent tory base, but then a more liberal group of the younger generations. Bath has largely been a nailed on libdem seat in my memory, with a slight challenge from the blue rosette with labour nowhere to be seen. Not sure why he was campaigning there unless the council has a bit of red on it.
Stating that simply rejoining the EU wouldn’t be party policy doesn’t make that party ‘anti EU’. This is why we have the populist politics we have. Unless the left are going to grasp the nettle and start accepting nuance, they will never get close to power again. Left wing ‘populism’ will never be a stronger force than right wing populism in England and Wales. We have to fight for what’s achievable rather than Unicorns with red flags.
Thanks for the deliberate misreading of the context of my post. I enjoy being lumped in with "gammon".
I'm far from left wing and I don't believe in unicorns. And I agree populism shouldnt be the way forward. hence why I was deeply saddened by his anti EU about face and the eagerness to wrap in the flag. Still, its a long way forward to the next GE. PS, another good grilling of dePfeffel at PMQ's.
I think it says far more about the dyson guy worrying about his employees paying tax that helping with the ventilators, nothing this shower in charge do should shock anyone anymore.
I'm not sure what people expect Sir Keir to do given the dire situation inherited from his predecessor.
Folk need to wake up from the Brexit debacle, these stories of dodgy deals linked to the pandemic response are the tip of the iceberg. I'm not going to provide full details on here for obvious reasons, but the whole issuing of government contracts is rotten to the core. I'm not saying this didn't go on before, but in the past few years it's increased massively in all parts of government. It's just so blatant and to my mind criminal. Tax payers are being ripped off, and a select few are getting very rich delivering very little. You'll notice the right leaning tax payers alliance are very quiet, why?
Keir entered a pub (which you are not allowed to do currently) and his protection roughed up the guy in his own home. Then later on Labour tweeted to put the blame on the landlord who was using figures from the ONS to stick up for his industry. We do not have any opposition to the idiots we have running the country. We are in a very bad way when there is nobody to vote for.
You mean the party that was undermining it's predecessor, they should be fully behind Sir Keir & 20 points ahead so we were told.
But to access some beer gardens you have to walk through the pub. Just saying this may have been the case. The landlord though clearly angry was making false statements and blaming a bloke who's in opposition with a 80 seat deficit. Maybe he should be asking Mr Starmer what he'd do in a few years to repair the damage done by Tories? Maybe he should have asked Starmer opinion on why self employed people haven't been protected and why we have so many dead. Maybe ask him if Labour would also follow the Tories in issuing contracts to their mates?
This thread is a microcosm for why the country is in the shape its in. The opposition need to unite against these Tory ******** instead of squabbling amongst ourselves. I haven't a clue how it will be done, hopefully it happens sharpish.
You are allowed to enter a pub as I did yesterday when I was making my way through it to the enclosed beer gardens. It's not long ago an MP was killed carrying out her work so yes the abusive man was restrained but not harmed in any way. In fact Keir picked his glasses up for him. This drivel people peddle about having nobody to vote for I suggest you have a look at what Labour are saying instead of making false accusations.
What would you do regarding the EU then if you were leader of the opposition? The deal is done and he had no room to amend anything after the 2019 election. Do people still want to talk about something that can't be changed as we are now or do they want to move on and start talking about how we recover from the devastation the pandemic has caused?
Tony Blair just popped his head up again. Said he would have done exactly the same in the position of PM. Whatever it takes in a situation like we are in. To be honest I don't think there is much in the story, just bluster and sensationalism. As others have pointed out there are other issues which do need investigating but in a time of national crisis, it would have been far worse should a government stick to the dusty old rule book and let things get pushed down the line instead of taking direct action. What should have happened I guess is that he should have outlined clearly to MP's at the time the circumstances surrounding it, rather than waiting for it to be discovered. Lessons to be learned for sure.
I understand what you're saying. But things can be reversed and if you have a belief you look to educate and encourage people to see it how you see it. Sadly, we're in a populist era where how something looks is given greater weight than someones convictions. I don't think he had to close the EU debate down. Indeed, membership of the EU would allow us to bounce back quicker. The issues on our borders and reduced access to markets is obviously damaging. Alienating 70% of the voters labour had left wasn't the most blinding stance to take at a time he didn't need to. And its the devastation of the decisions of the government during covid combined with brexit that we have to recover from.
Why should Dyson employees working in the UK not pay the appropriate amount of tax in the UK - When I've worked abroad I've had to register for tax and pay if any was due? - Why do they even need to be in the UK to work on this (soon abandoned) ventilator project? Dyson has R&D facilities already near Swindon, and just about anything could have been done remotely if the right people weren't on the ground. The bigger question is why was Dyson asked to design and build a ventilator from scratch at the onset of a pandemic, when British ventilator manufacturers were ignored. Best case would have been to licence existing designs and get Dyson/G Tech (who *did* get a working prototype) to make them to ramp up production.
I wonder whether the half wit has form for this sort of thing. On question time such people were shown up as Tory plants. Some of them had stood as Tory councillors.