Does anyone know how he’s doing theses days ,I haven’t heard anything or seen anything about the lad for very long time ..Chris had a very bright future in the game until the car crash that almost killed him ,I just hope he’s doing okay
It would be nice if his old team mates could get in touch and have a reminisce. A lot is spoken about mental health and listening to people but in reality when something like that happens people don't want to know.
Championship Manager 93/94 legend. He'd cost £10,000 on some saved games and was an utter goal machine.
Chris is in a care home now, and has been for a while. I ‘think’ it’s a permanent thing, and not just day care. Very sad indeed.
Terribly sad. Can’t start to imagine his mental state. So much to look forward to at 19 or so and all taken away from him in an instant. Awful.....
His story is Heartbreaking when I first saw him play in the first team you could see the enthusiasm and I thought straight away this lads gonna be a goodun for us. Best wishes Chris.
Could you give me the details of the care home please .I was a friend of Chris and lost touch a few years back. My Mrs said the other day we need to go and see him. When he was playing top clubs from over the hills in Manchester were watching him regular. We met in 1996 in the old players lounge when he came in with his carer. I spoke to loads of ex players who attended his 21st birthday .One of the attendees was Eric Winstanley bless him. He is a top lad Chris I feel bad I lost touch with him.
I can’t remember the exact one - it’s local though in the Borough. To be honest, from what I understand (which by all means is not the full story), I would speak to his parents first before going - they’ll advise you best....
Best of luck pal. Sure you’ll get in contact easy enough - folk on here will know his parents address.
Didn't Chris score on his home debut for us, round about the time we bought Andy Payton in season 1993-94 ?. What saddened me and disgusted me at the time of his near fatal accident, is that Calendar (and probably Look North as well) gave more air time to Leeds and their manager Gordon Strachan that day, when it was announced. Disgraceful bias yet again from them.
I knew nothing of Chris until reading this thread. I had a car crash 4 years ago in Shafton and shattered my skull. I got away very lucky in comparison. A shame for a talented feller.
In the days when getting to the Premier League was but a dream, I used to imagine Chris getting the goal which got us there. I had hoped that somehow he was having a better life. Desperately sad.
Just happened upon this thread from a couple of years ago. Did anyone manage to get in touch with Chris? Feel so sad reading about this once again.
Chris is on my facebook - I'll reach out to him. I've know Chris since we were both about 8 years old. I played with him for Barnsley Boys and also for the West Green Juniors. He was always an amazing talent and probably the best player I ever played with and until I got released at 18 I was lucky enough to play with some of the lads who went on to play for the 1st team. Jacko would have played in the Premier League, no doubt in my mind. Such a shame and I remember when it happened like it was yesterday. I've seen him a few times since in the hospital. When my brother had his stroke nearly 10 years ago, Jacko was in the next room and would come round and spend time with us. He's got a wicked sense of humour and although heavily disabled seemed to be positive about his life. What a player, and a great kid to boot.
Is he same/similar age as Nicky Eaden? Played alongside him in my youth. Edit Just checked and Chris is 4 years younger. Pass on my regards if you get in touch with him pal.