Pass on the regards of the BBS. I still remember him coming on as sub (home debut?) and running about like a mad Labrador. I can’t imagine what it must be like to lose that ability overnight. I hope he’s doing well.
Yeah Jacko was in my year so he'll be 45 now. Nicky will be c48. Nicky was in the same year as Lidds, Mark Burton. Adie Moses and Scott Jones were the year above me and Jacko.
Comes in Grimethorpe wmc occasionally with a helper.(pre covid obviously)Still very cheerful & upbeat cosidering his situation.
Thanks for taking the time to post this mate. Good to hear that he's in a reasonably positive place, as in the 2013 interview he seemed very down.
Didnt club take season tickets what players get off his family sure i red that in chronicle and thought embarrased.
I work in Grimey everyday and I speak to him now and then. Cracking lad, always chatting away to people at the end of his driveway. Lovely bloke.
Morning all! Ive just seen Chris this morning as I had a parcel for them. I’ve let him know about the lovely comments you’ve posted, him and his dad are going to have a look on here now to read them. He said he was buzzing to hear that you’d all left comments about him. Lovely bloke!
This thread shows this Board at its best. Caring and compassionate. Please also pass on my best wishes to Chris. My wife used the same gym as him. Top lad. Remember seeing him play for Barnsley Boys and then his few appearances in the first team. Such a loss to the game and our club. Iis really good to know that Goldthorpe and Terry N are able to pass on the goodwill from this Board.
We seemed to have a few strikers in the youth team who absolutely plundered goals. Colin Marshall and Karl Rose spring to mind, but they never broke through. Chris was another who got tonnes of goals in the youth teams but he went on to play about 20 times and got 2 goals before his tragic accident. I bumped into Steve Agnew and Steve Walsh in town after we'd drawn 2-2 with Leicester (with Martin Bullocks first goal) and had a chat. Steve Walsh said Chris had been an absolute pain in the backside. I wouldn't say his praise was glowing, but I think for such a seasoned player as Walsh to have said that, he must have caused him plenty of problems.
Back in 2008, my friend had a short stay in a recuperation home on Broadway, near the fire station. Chris Jackson was in the room next door and regularly had a chat with us. He was great company and extremely cheeky with the nursing staff, but not in a nasty way. Chris came across as a lovely lad.
Just remember him from watching Barnsley Boys. He looked a star in the making along the lines of David Hirst. Absolute tragedy that he didn't get to fulfil his potential. Glad he seems to have conquered his disappointment and dealt with his disability.
Young Chris was about to make his breakthrough when I first met him. Another ex red was to do our junior team trophy presentations at the Oliver Twist when he let us down at the last moment so a quick visit to see Winnie at his shop with the result that Chris was to be our saviour. Found him to be a smashing lad who was amazed at what we were doing for the kids. What have they won he asked, nowt ar sez but they have turned up every week and tried their best. Big UP for Chris and Winnie.
Remember hearing the news of his crash when i was out in Australia. What a shame for such a promising career to be cut short. I don’t know the details of Chris’ disabilities, but as I work for a disability sport charity, it would be great to involve him in our projects (if he was interested) . We have been running a project in Kirklees with a former Police Officer who had a life-changing stroke at the age of 40, resulting in him becoming a wheelchair user, with a support dog, and daily carers. He has difficulty with his speech. This guy was massively into sport and wanted to participate in some capacity. The project started with him as the “front man” to a new drop in activity session for people who were isolated/ felt like they didn’t fit in. Four years later this group has done so much for so many people. They meet on a weekly basis to do sports, quizzes, arts and crafts etc. They also go on outings. The former police man was a huge inspiration to everyone, and admitted himself that it had given him a new sense if purpose. I think that when others saw what he could achieve, and how encouraging he was, it helped them cope with their own difficulties. I have no idea if Chris would be interested, but we have a similar project starting at Shaw Lane next month, and one in North Sheffield in September. If @Terry Nutkins or @Goldthorpe-Red mention it, and he’s interested, I’ll pass on my contact details. If he’s not, no problem.