Showing us where the bodies are buried . Everyone knew of course that there’s a reason the prime minister stood by him whilst he shi t on the country during the is pandemic. It beggars belief that these two have got away their lies and been able to con the people , this should never be allowed to happen . Peoples lives came second to these scum whilst they played out their personal relationships disregarding govt advice that people were fined for or list theirs or loved ones lifes. No doubt it’ll be glossed over or certainly not treated with the severity it should be in fact some will turn it onto the opposition such is the audacity of some especially in the media. There’s more to come from this imo and lots that well it get to know about how much disregard this govt have whilst the media cosied and covers up . Well get to know enough to make us think things are being done to condemn it whilst the pigs are at the troughs nothing major will be exposed . Boris will still be to some one of the lads .
This should be enough to bring down Johnson and his corrupt government. But due to very weak opposition in labour I doubt nothing much will come of it.
Says it all, when you try to rationalise who is the most despicable, and you can’t choose between Johnson, Cummings or Gove.
It won’t be enough, but not sure I’d blame the opposition. He’ll be protected by a majority made up of lunatics and yes men, along with a media that constantly let him off the hook.
Don’t think labours owt to do with this Ian . His Government should be brought down irrespective of a general election over this . If the Tory party had any scruples they’d take away Johnson’s toy (cos that’s all it is to him ) and replace him . It I’m not holding my breath because it’s this regime has become a snout filling fest .
Pandora's Box is starting to open. (Please no sexual jokes on that, unless they are actually funny). One questions at what point do the masses actually wake up & take an interest. It will take more than this, but I'm sure his backbenchers are starting to get twitchy.
I despair more over the people that let them get away with it to be honest - i.e. the voters, especially those in the old red wall areas - Barnsley definitely included. It seems the ghost of Brexit is still alive and well. I can hear them now saying "that's it, I will never vote Labour again" after the long drawn out withdrawal. They fail to realise that Brexit would have happened a lot sooner and probably less painfully if Johnson and his colleagues had backed May's original deal, which was no worse than the deal we have.They are responsible for the pain and devisiveness. The voters ignore Boris's multiple lies and mistakes just for the sake of sticking to their word. Never has the nose been so bashed to spite the face. There can be no other explanation as to why the worst Government in history is ahead in the opinion polls, and likely to win the Hartlepool seat next week. Gordon Brown was on football focus and he made me realise what we could have had.
It needs a Gary Neville moment imo but the Tory Media aren’t gonna give anyone a platform such as that . Noticed the Sun and Mail columns on the website are already cooking the excuses of how he should not be criticised he was doing it for the country etc etc and Dyson was only looking after his workers wages . It stinks to high heaven but untill someone is allowed to show the creepy crawlers under the Johnson stone ten nothing will dislodge him imo , not even his own party can traverse the media love in to oust him . I’ve come across people who stick up for him who have had loved ones died of the pandemic and almost certainly because of the incompetence of lockdown and the eat out fiasco. Only when the media have another darling in the background ready to step in and keep them at the trough will this corrupt self serving set of ******** e fully exposed.
It’s because the media have brainwashed them and no matter how many times they tell me they didn’t trust labour and he was gonna get Brexit done etc etc they have been and continue to be brainwashed .
Cummins & even Boris for that matter are not really blue blooded Tories. They are opportunists & populists. I can see many in the 1922 committee starting to fret. Let him carry the can for the Brexit shambles & the nepotism & put Sunak in for the next election is my prediction. Labour need to shape up & quickly.
Bang straight, folks. It's all those who handed him an unassailable majority so we can "get brexshit done". Hopefully the tide will turn, but listening to the crap some people come out with I'm not holding my breath.
If Sunak takes the leadership then people really need to start thinking what sort of country we need . He smiles nice on telly and he indicates he’ll roll over for the media so that should make Kuensbergs snatch twitch I expect, But my goodness they are scraping the barrel and we’ll suffer as a consequence .
All the brexit voters turning on Cummins litterall Sunak was Cummins yes man. No morals just like the rest.
I have been having a nosey into what all this about. Good explanation by the ITV News team Carl Dineen and Bob Peston. What comes out is what old timers like me know about Johnson is and have always said,is how weak and ineffectual he is. The whole frustration last year we had with the management of the Pandemic, is now coming out and Johnson's refusal to listen to advisers and lockdown. Instead taking the advice of Carrie Symmons and Henry Newton. How many deaths could have been prevented? Number 10 are trying to tough it out and use friends in the media,saying the public aren't interested. I agree,I don't think those in the red wall areas care or even know. We have seen that since he became Prime minister, an abuse of power never seen before in parliamentary history, since it's creation in 1701. Don't forget we are still operating under Dedicated legislation and a Preroroged parliament. Johnson does not have many friends in the conservative party, don't believe his friends in the media but he is known as the Greased Pig and has an ability to survive. I'm not sure he will this time,it's not the corruption or lies but rather the avoidable deaths of so many people.
While ever there are quotes like that, and the one "well Labour are just as bad" then the real criminals and that's what they are, get away with their corruption.
Quite how they're still in power and not in the dock is beyond me. Scandal after scandal after scandal with laws broken left right and centre, bullying condoned, openly lying encouraged and generally behaviour taking place that wouldn't be accepted in any other walk of life and yet this scum has the most powerful job in the uk
Weak opposition? Who's made all the running in highlighting this scandal? It wasn't the media that's for sure. Starmer might not shout and ball but he's clever enough to give this lot enough rope to hang themselves. Much like the SNP in Scotland the government have failed the people with grubby deals and incompetence.
I’m sorry UTC but it’s nothing to do with quotes like that but ineffectual opposition to the tories that is to blame. Starmer is IMO never a socialist. He misses so many open goals to nail Johnson in parliament. Corbin would be having a field day nailing Johnson and showing him up for what he is. Unfortunately labour decided to take a different route and we all suffer.
I like your passion Ian but in those two assessments I have to say you have been watching different PMQ's to me.