What chances do we have to get in? The provisional date was the 17th May for some fans from what I've seen. I'm struggling to find any concrete info though. Any knowone anything? * assuming we get the point we need or Reading drop points.
Jesus. Is this really the kind of fear that's been instilled in us as a population? Deaths were down today vs. other days this week. Also, these aren't deaths because of Covid just with a positive test recently. Massive apologies if I've read your tone wrong on that, but we can't panic about numbers the minute they move. Our figures are fine right now. We're progressing positively.
I read that as him saying that is probably going to be used as a reason for tiers being introduced, not necessarily that he thought they should be.
I still need someone to explain the ridiculous rules to me because I do not understand them The government has been heavily pushing the message that outdoors is fairly safe as the air blows the virus away. That's been on TV, in print, on the radio and online. So can anyone explain how from the 17th of may the plan is that in confined indoor theatres and concerts people can sit in every second seat but in large outdoor stadiums it's only one in every four seats despite the science showing its much more dangerous inside. Not driven by science or data, just by ideology and discrimination
No idea, just guessing, but is it because more people are allowed to attend outside (not sure if they are or not) and so there’ll be significantly more people in one area so they want to spread them out more? Not debating whether that is needed or not btw, just trying to think of an answer to your question.
Snooker will be at full capacity indoors early May. But a fortnight later for the play offs teams won't be allowed grounds at full capacity even though it is safer outside. With our cramped concourses especially in the west stand, we will probably be allowed 6,000 at the very most. If that's the case it depends how many plus memberships don't want to go to see how many others can.
That will be their excuse but it doesn't follow the science at all. The reality is that small indoor venues are generally speaking the arts which are frequented by the higher classes. Large outdoor venues are frequented by the lower classes. It's elitism Tory ideology and the country has fallen for it
Nowt like an overreaction, eh Ben? I know the numbers will ebb & flow, but just concerned that much more of a rise could see them take a bit of pressure off the accelerator, with an easy win being putting the brakes on opening up sporting events to the public. As you say, Jesus.....
That would be a disgrace. It should be the this time around as it's much safer now. It would be interesting to know the percentages of pass holders who have plus to just a normal membership. I would imagine 80 odd percent probably have a plus.
We're going to have fans in the ground for our play-off matches, no doubt. That's the reason the dates have been selected as they are. How many, we don't know. Based on the guidelines and tests so far, it will probably be around 4k for the home semi. So that means a ballot of season ticket holders. I hope this is a pot luck for all ST holders (minus those who don't feel they want to). I have reserved plus, but I don't want them to prioritise those that have paid more - it must be open to all. If we manage to make the final, again it will have fans, but again we don't know how many tickets will be allocated. The FA Cup Final is scheduled a few days before and has 20k tickets allocated, though many of those will be allocated to people living locally. I can't see (as) many being held back from the clubs involved for the play-off final as the FA Cup Final, so in theory we might be in a position if we make it, where all ST holders can get a ticket if they want one. If Reading don't win tomorrow, I expect the club to re-open their registration system for the ballot they introduced in November/December, so people can declare whether they want to be involved. After that, I don't envy anyone involved in the logistics as things will need to happen fast once the season is done and the date known, but I'm sure the club will be planning for each scenario. My guess is that a negative lateral flow test in last 48hrs will be a condition of entry to Oakwell on 17th May., either by the government's determination or Barnsley Council's. How that's evidenced I have no idea. Data in the following days will be interesting,, but that's determined by government not local policy.
Got to say - the way our season has gone without fans and without that added pressure, I’m happy to watch the play offs on tv with beers in the garden. I think at this stage, just leave it as it is. It’s worked well for us so far! Hopefully we’ll be back in Oakwell, in the Premier League come August.
I honestly don't think any fans should be allowed into any games until the finals(including the FA Cup). If for nothing else, to protect the sporting "integrity'. This season has been played more or less totally behind closed doors, so that should be the way the rest of the season to not give any side an advantage. Once you're at Wembley on neutral ground, by all means, let some fans in. But it has to be from both clubs or none at all. Plus, from a selfish point of view, I think the lads have benefitted from having no supporter pressure. So lets not jinx anything!