Bit patronizing isn't it? 'Well done lads. You scuffed two Open goals, fluffed a free volley from 5 yards out and hit the ball softly at our keeper all afternoon. But You ran around and huffed n puffed a lot, so crédit to You!' Lets face it, they're getting relegated 3 times in 5 years for a reason. They make silly errors and they can't hit a barn door. Sorry but it's true.
They made us look pedestrian and stopped one of the most in form strikers in the league from being effective. Well done Rotherham.
There's this concept called being gracious. It's a better look than crowing over someone else's misfortunes.
End of the day you can only beat what's in front of you and because we didn't hammer them and they gave their all SOME fan's feel sorry for them, bet they wouldn't and their Chairman certainly wouldn't. Paul Warne deserves better as he comes across as a decent bloke.
I don't feel sorry for them, they are where they are because they can't win, we are where we are because we can. But, they played well and made us look below average.
They did play well, and if they had even a semi-efficient striker could have given us an absolute thumping. I think the reason I've, and I assume other, have praised them is because they see last year's Barnsley in them. We were the same. Creating chances and playing teams much, much higher up the league off the park, but not capitalising on it. We were lucky that Wigan got caught out financially, but it looks like Rotherham will have to stay up thanks to their own hard work(ignoring the pittiful 6 point deduction Wednesday ended up with)...
The only thing worse than a bad loser is a bad winner. I was impressed by Rotherham’s work rate and determination but not their finishing. I don’t see that we have anything to crow about. I doubt that they will stay up but I hope that they do.
Little bit patronising a lot of the Rotherham praise. It reminds me of what we got when we played alright but used to lose all the time.
The word you're looking for is 'facts'. It's a fact that they played much, much better football than us. It's a fact that they deserved something - probably all 3 points - from the game. It's a fact that we undeservedly won the game. It's a fact that their strikers let them down on the day. As someone said earlier, it's just being gracious and having a bit of class.
It’s pretty much a carbon copy of last year when we lost 1-0 to Leeds and the majority of their fans praised us and said they hoped we stayed up and I didn’t find that patronising. They got promoted to the Premier League and we survived so I hope the ending is a carbon copy too.
Wouldn't dream of looking down on or patronising Rotherham, anybody with a pair of eyes knows we were lucky to get anything yesterday. They put in a real shift, but it has to be said they seem to have a real problem putting the ball in the net and that's why they lost. OK our goal was dubious but the guy on Quest ( cant remember which) thought it should have stood, so its arguable at least
One word....... Sportsmanship Well done Rotherham you were the best team of the two.... the players and coaching staff a credit to your club Sportsmanship.... at least some of us on here know the word....
Not at all, they played very well and credit where its due, nothing worse than supporters that think their team can do no wrong and should have won every game but for the ref, other team being lucky blah blah blah, how often have we been hacked off on here because little Barnsley haven,t had the credit they deserve from the opposition...
It's got nothing to do with running around a lot - putting it down to that really would be patronising. In my opinion they were better than us in pretty much every area of the pitch and unlucky not to win by two or three goals, let alone come away with a point. I thought they were far more deserving yesterday than we were against Leeds last season.
We got plenty of credit from the opposition last season, sadly we rarely got the points. I agree about being gracious in victory and giving credit to the opposition, but to praise their good play and not criticise their poor finishing which is why they lost the game, (our goal would’ve been negligible) is being patronising.
Rotherham were robbed by a controversial referring decision and poor finishing. Think it’s only honest of us to say that the best team lost.