Johnson absolutely cornered there. Both on the dodgy redecorating cash and on the "sooner have bodies piling up" remark. He has put himself firmly in the frame for a charge of misleading Parliament should witnesses substantiate those charges - which BBC and ITV both appear confident of. Starmer once again had the dodgy one on the ropes and by the end, extremely rattled. It's a long game, folks!
It only matters though if voters care. Unfortunately most people I'm talking to just shrug their shoulders and say "well, it's Boris isn't it, he's done well with the vaccine rollout". And even if he's ousted, who've we got to look forward to? Gove?
I’d imagine that most voters won’t care who paid for Boris’ Downing Street flat to be refurbished. They’ll probably be glad that it wasn’t the taxpayer. The ‘bodies piling up’ comment was incredibly crass, but I’m not sure to what extent it will stick given the relative success of the vaccine roll out.
Same here Long time labour voters I know we’re shrugging and laughing and saying things like it’s a perk of the job etc or we all say daft things. Some of them have had loved ones die of COVID and some of them not all that old ie pensioners etc . It’s as if the suffering was nothing to do with the Tory botched handling of the case and sleaze is just something Boris does and no harm in it . It won’t be until the Tory rags give him up some of these will change their opinion eg when it’s headlines as in the expenses scandal etc. But they are the first ones to say they not influenced by the media , it would be laughable if it weren’t so diabolical that they insist the media makes no difference to their opinions . It’s so obvious that the media’s opinions seem to be theirs but they can’t/ won’t see it . When these if they turn on Boris they’ll alter their opinions to the headlines . It’s so frustrating when lots of us can see the obvious sleaze and cover ups .
Yes, I am sure Kieth will be elected on a platform of being forensic at PMQs like all successful PMs before him. Who needs their PM to have pesky things like a vision for how things could be better or clear values and opinions when it’s so effective to join in with Tory back benchers to remove an incumbent PM that has expired his usefulness to them. Adult, centrist politics at last!
It may not be the voters who do for him, ultimately. The Tories are a ruthless bunch and he he is not short of enemies within the party. If he is undone by these mounting scandals then all of a sudden the Tories are on their fourth leader/PM in five years - not a good look! As for Gove, I reckon he may have even more enemies than Boris. So it would probably be down to golden boy Sunak, who has done well for the deprived citizens of Richmond, North Yorkshire.
Has there ever been a British Prime Minister who would embrace a policy that would lead to the deaths of thousands of its citizens when there was a clear alternative? We’re being led by someone who said he doesn’t care whether you live or die. If anyone’s ok with that then they deserve everything that's coming to them. Johnson would rather see bodies piled up in their thousands to protect the British economy. In the 1930s Stalin calculated 10 million dead was a fair price to pay in order to build the Soviet economy. No difference between those two approaches to leadership.
I suspect it would be Sunak with Gove a close second and Hancock third in the voting. I have never voted in a local election but will be for the Green party. In my ward last time they were only 507 votes behind the Conservatives as the only party close to them. It was Tory 46.1%, Green 35.5%, Labour 15.9% and Lib Dem 3.4%. Recently BBC have put out six brilliant hours of content about climate change with a three part documentary series for both Greta Thunberg and Ade Adepitan. The party should be more popular than ever and after a huge six figure covid death toll I am hopefully that small gap can be overturned.
This it it with the Tories, just when you think we’re rid of a nasty and incompetent one, along comes another to make their predecessor look like an angel. It’s like they’ve got a conveyor belt line full of them. All wearing accusations of varying mis- deeds as a badge of honour
It looks like Boris has managed to dodge Starmer's bear trap. He basically will state he said No, to not answering the question. Starmer needed to be more specific and targeted in his question. He won't get him on this answer due to the question being too open to a sleazy and slimy response, which Boris duely provided.
Turns out no matter what the decision the electoral commission comes to, it's Boris himself who decides if he broke the rules. Let that sink in..........
Corruption wrapped in a union flag, the cry from the Brexit masses '' its our Corruption, Proper British Corruption, take that EU, we've taken back control''
The last one was Earl Russell in the 1840s - although it was *millions* who starved as a result - and when was the last time you saw Whig on the ballot paper*. *Earl Russell actually later became Liberal PM and nearly made them unelectable.
I don't think it will be anyone in cabinet now. I suspect Hunt or possibly Julian Smith as the sensible choice, but with the BlueKip infiltration there is a chance of someone like Baker if it comes to a members vote.
Boris was on the ropes today he had no defence and as usual no answers. This Country really has gone to the dogs if people are happy to turn a blind eye to whats going on. The things he stands accused of possibly on their own don't account to much but it is all linked to bad decisions and delay that let the virus get out of control leading up to Christmas killing thousands. If that doesn't make people sit up and listen then we really are I'm a bad place.