I agree entirely. But that wasn't the point I was making, I was saying it's wrong to compare him to Stalin for making a consideration of lives vs money because it's an essential part of governing whether we like to think about it or not.
What’s changed is, the wife of Gove writes for the daily heil, and that rag has suddenly and for no apparent reason, turned on our illustrious leader. Now, if only I could put two and two together!
Governments don't sanction the deaths of thousands of their citizens they are just incompetent take this Covid pandemic a competent government would have had everything in place and up to date before it started, then saving thousands of lives and preserving the economy. But when countries are hell-bent on austerity thing's like pandemics that may never happen get swept under the carpet but when they do.........
I was talking about a conscious policy decision to actually kill people. Underfunding the NHS will indirectly lead to deaths but then so will allowing the advertising of crap food and not banning tobacco.
We have measures and restrictions in case a pandemic happens , thus muppet didn’t think it were appropriate because of the economic implications , he was frightened to death even though the evidence from Spain and Italy besides China were evident something needed to be done . Instead he listened to the money men and we ended up not just closing our borders but a full lockdown which could have been avoided .
But he's not making a conscious decision to kill people is he? It's a decision which he knows will result in deaths, but not a decision to directly kill people e.g. ordering the army to go and open fire in Morrisons. In principle I don't see a massive difference between that and limiting NHS funding, keeping the speed limit at 70 or not banning tobacco. I am not defending Johnson, just saying that weighing up lives v the economy is not abhorrent, it's necessary. Governments have always made choices between saving lives and the economy, and will always do so. Life is not priceless.
Life isn’t priceless. Well, as long as it’s someone else’s life. What if you or me had died as Johnson decided to let the virus ‘let rip’? We’d be among 'the thousands of bodies piled high.’ But hey, we died because that’s what governments must do. And what about our grieving families? Would they be somehow be comforted by the fact we died to save the economy?
I can't tell whether you're being deliberately obtuse. That's not what I've been saying, at any point and talking about my death or grieving families is far beside the point. As I've said I don't agree with a lot of his decisions, but balancing lives against the economy isn't inherently bad or evil, it's necessary.
All I'm asking is do you think in this instance your death would have been necessary? You seem to be arguing that it would be.
No, I'm really not. I don't know how I'm meant to debate with someone so unwilling to look at what I'm actually saying.
Do you mean by this balancing the quality of life and the outcome of people's lives and their opportunities in respect to the economy? If you do then I would agree. But that isn't the same as allowing people to die or killing them if there is a clear and viable alternative.
On a general point, I understand why members of this Board should have a pop at Conservatives politicians, I do honestly. The deceit, incompetence and bare faced lies are quite staggering. But, unless you’ve been living on Mars for the past 5 years, it’s hardly news is it. It’s not as if the people of this Country have been misled by these politicians or didn’t know what they were voting for. They did. So if there’s anyone who should be in the crossfires of this Board, it’s the English voting public. And just to rub more salt into the wound, I suspect we will see a bit more of this in the Hartlepool by-election next week. That’s England 2021 folks.
This line always puzzles me. Whenever people talk about all the horrible things Johnson has done, they don't say "I am not attacking Johnson". You never here someone say "I am not attacking Johnson, but his covid policy has been a disgrace and he's as dodgy as they come" Yet whenever it's the other way round, people can't use the "I am not defending Johnson" line fast enough - before going on to do just that. It's weird. It's like they don't feel comfortable defending him and making excuses for him, but do so anyway.
But the Covid policy hasn’t been a disgrace. So whilst a dislike for Boris can still happen, people can be magnanimous about the roll out of the vaccine program.
Completely disagree with this statement. The vaccine rollout has been everything you would expect from a competent government, but everything else? A complete shambles.
Agreed, however, the people who voted for Bojo and Brexit, will see it as just an outburst of frustration that he obviously didn't mean literally. The real chink in his armour is corruption, when it becomes clear how many millions were given to his mates last year people might just begin to turn against him. The opposition now has it's most powerful weapon at their disposal, Dom "eyetest" Cummings, I never thought I'd ever say that.
I apologise, there was nothing in your post to suggest you weren’t happy with the situation though. Just a statement of ‘how it is’.
We have the worst hit economy of all of our competitors and the worst death rate. If that’s not failure, what is?