A bit unfair, he regularly mentions the club and tweets about them.and has done so for the last few seasons. Surely we want MPs to be involved and interested in everyday life.
Don’t want to be overly cynical, but his examples of exceptional performance throughout the season happened within 10 days of each other this month.
I don't particularly like Dan Jarvis, for a number of reasons that are simply not relevant here. What is relevant is this letter is fantastic. That's really thoughtful of you Dan, to take the time to write that, from a position where you clearly know what you're talking about, on a subject that means so much to so many people in the town you represent. I don't care whether you know what you're talking about because you're a genuine fan, or because you know this is important to your constituents, so you've done a hell of a lot of research on the subject. The upshot of either is that you care what the people who are reading it think. You're either involved, or you're aware that many of your constituents are involved, and you've taken the time to understand what they're involved in. Both are worthy of praise. Well done. I want politicians who care what their constituents care about. When they do, they'll do something for them.
More to the point how has @JamDrop got hold of a letter that Val won't even receive till tomorrow at the earliest
It was intended as a lighthearted jibe on my part. I quite like Jarvis to be fair. It does have the scent of opportunism to it though, for what it's worth.
To be fair to him, there’ll be worse examples of opportunism than this, especially from our current government
I’m not a fan of Dan Jarvis for voting to send planes into Syria when claiming people from Barnsley told him to do it. But hats off to sending that letter. It’s brilliantly written, sounds like he means it and seems that he sincerely wants the Reds to go up. It will however take more than a letter to forgive killing people in their own country for the West’s urge to franchise the Middle East’s oil, like.
He emailed my organisation recently, offering “support”. We replied with what “support” would look like, and...well.... But he made time for BFC, near election time. Yay.