Top UK cabinet member Dominic Raab admits that social distancing and face masks most likely will still be required even after the final phase of the roadmap is completed. That was the thoughts of a crazy person a few months ago wasn't it? Never going to happen? Just a conspiracy theory?
I don't think so. I'm assuming that by 'the final phase of the roadmap' you mean June? I know that I've been planning for social distancing etc to be in place until at least the end of September ever since it was laid out.
Which begs the question of how can that be the final phase unless everything else that remains is essentially permanent?
I just put it down to more government spin to be honest. Seemed blindingly obvious that there was going to be no chance of a clean break just a few months after that disaster over christmas.
Yes you are. You post sensationalist nonsense to get bites from people. You are in a minority but feel the need to constantly bait people into an argument. The initial response from the Government was pitiful and made things much worse. However, since the turn of the year they have by and large got things right. I won't reply to any further posts from you and we shall have to just agree to disagree on the virus response. Nothing I said would ever convince you otherwise and vice versa. I don't understand however why you can't just accept that your views differ from most rather than embark on a crusade to convert people to your way of thought through death by a thousand cuts.
You only have to be out and about to see social distancing is largely over no matter what power the Tory party have over us. Having to wear masks in summer heat is not at all appealing and if we cannot go without them during our best weather period, I don't see how they will be removed when it gets colder and darker.
Is the ‘roadmap’ specifically the route out of ‘lockdown’? In which case social distancing and masks may be part of a different ‘phase’ of managing the pandemic. When do nightclubs open? Is that June 21st?
Yes 21st of June when the government stated the aim was to remove all legal limits on social contact which surely included social distancing and masks as they are both social contact. The fact that a senior cabinet member is now saying social contact will most likely still be limited after that phase is extremely worrying
How many times are you going to pretend you were called a conspiracy theorist for something completely different to what you were called a conspiracy theorist for? Unless you can show where you were specifically called a conspiracy theorist for saying we’d still be wearing masks after the roadmap ends. And not just a vague “we’ll be wearing masks forever” that resulted in you being labelled a conspiracy theorist. Because that’s still an insane position.
I find sticking to an exact calendar date worrying as that seems like the stupidest way of all of deciding when to change things. Don’t ask me what should change it, I haven’t looked into it anywhere near enough to answer that question but a calendar date seems like it has nothing to do with anything. We’ve had this conversation before though
For acting as through these restrictions are the start of a slippery slope into permanent lockdowns and guards on every street asking for vaccine passports in order to step foot out of your house. No I’m not saying you used those exact words before you try and say that you never said that. But that’s the kind of thing you’ve been saying would be coming if people accept a lockdown. That’s what you were called a conspiracy theorist for.
I agree, calendar dates are pointless and should never have been used. But I think in this case the actual date is irrelevant to the conversation. It's more a case that phase 4, the final phase, regardless of its actual date is clearly not the final phase of restrictions remain beyond it. Regarding dates, I think they should have actually said that when daily admissions to hospital fall to X amount then this opens, when it reaches a lower amount then that opens etc. Let everyone know the actual figures rather than saying 'we have mystery targets to meet that we can't tell you but even if they're met we're waiting till this arbitrary date anyway'. They could say that they EXPECT that to happen around a certain date based on current trends but that the admissions rate is key not the date.
So I was called a conspiracy theorist for saying things I never said which you know I never said and which you say I never said. Ok then
You know exactly what you have been hinting at for the last year. The amount of times you’ve hinted that restrictions were permanent etc. It’s been slippery slope fallacy central for the last 14 months on here. We’ve still not got mandatory vaccine passports to go to the shop (and never will). We’ve still not got permanent restrictions (and never will).