They just can’t shoot, how many times do villains employ people that can’t shoot !!!! also why are all scientist also karate specialist but can’t fight !!! stop taking **** and just kill, **** me don’t you watch movies. Don’t tell them the plan and leave them to someone else just do it... please feel free to add to my rant...
Is this a general observation or are you watching something in particular? If it's the latter, I'm guessing it's The A-Team.
They are also usually bad drivers as well as no matter how many are chasing the good guy they always manage to crash out whilst the hero escapes car or motorbike mostly still running
And why do they always spend ages talking to the person they want to kill, allowing time for help to arrive?
The A-Team, yes. Always locked up in a barn with a tractor, some sheet metal, some air cylinders and some welding gear. And BA, don't drink the milk. You know what will happen next.
James Bond! I'm struggling to recall an instance where James Bond suffers a single gunshot wound. This despite being chased by supervillains and trained assassins for 59 years.
James Bond the secret agent...and yet every woman who works behind a bar knows him and what he drinks,
"I'm going to kill you, Mr Bond, but first let me talk you through a three hour PowerPoint slideshow of my plan for world domination."
Tomorrow never dies. Dr Kaufman, an assassin hired to kill Teri Hatcher's character and James Bond, and make it look like a murder suicide. He spends 20 minutes explaining his job role to James Bond!!! And don't get me started on Goldfinger and that massive lazer. He doesn't kill him because James Bond may or may not know about his plans to break into Fort Knox. Keeping James Bond alive doesn't change anything!!!
After which I will inexpertly tie you to something rickety and trust your demise to an untried and untested automation. Should you fail to escape, as highly improbable as that may be, I shall trust the disposal of your remains not to my band of highly skilled and paid assassins, but to Janice, the cleaner. Mwaaaa ha ha ha haaaa.
Coronation Street, thee most dangerous street in the world. I can’t think of many who haven’t been in the nick.
That Steve McDonald has been a lucky feller. Some of the birds he's pulled. He Must like wedding cake though. He's been married more times than Ken Barlow. 7 versus 4. Edit Tracey Barlow Twice.
And the ones put on sentry duty are always useless. Just listen out for snapping twigs AND KEEP A LOOKOUT it's the part of the job.
Despite it’s formulaic predictability I loved the A-Team. That, along with The Dukes of Hazzard, Knightrider, Magnum and Starsky and Hutch,were essential viewing in my formative years. Along with French films where there was always a decent prospect of female nudity. It did help with my French A Level too...
Yep, them and MacGyver could save the world with a tractor, a pliers and a straightened out paper clip.