Had my first one yesterday at Lundwood. Only 41 though. Must have sneaked in For the record I've been fine today. No side effects. Edit: Had the AZ.
Both my wife and I had very mild side effects after AZ. I had a few hours of flushing hot and cold the morning after I had it and at about 24 hours had a very mild ache across my shoulders. Took two paracetamol in the morning, two at lunch time and that was that. My wife just felt fatigued and had to go bed about 6 hours ... though I only half believe her and reckon she used it as an excuse to binge watch some Greys Anatomy! Suppose it's very much like Covid itself in the way it affects different people in different ways.
I work at an SEN school and we were all offered it months ago but I decided to wait a while. I’ve just booked my 1st one today and will be getting it on Wednesday. Apparently it says I’m having the Oxford one. The majority of people who I work with and have had the vaccine have suffered from some form of side effects. Headaches, aching body, generally feeling like crap.
Am having my second one today. I felt very fluey after my first AZ jab. Has anyone felt fluey after their second jab? Asking in anticipation of being ignored.
All of those are positive things though - it shows that the vaccine has elicited a positive response from your immune system.
I had my second AZ at work a few weeks ago and was also a bit fluey after first one. Vaccinator said the feedback was that there were much fewer side effects reported on second dose. I didn't have any at all.
I had Sputnik (chemically identical to Astra Zeneca). Felt fine on the day of the jab, slightly manky the day after as if I was coming down with flu. Felt a bit like a hangover. I had Coronavirus in December though. Having my second shot on Wednesday, so it'll be interesting to see how I feel after that one.
I've just had my 2nd this morning at Sheffield Arena. Back home now, arm aches a bit and I'm starting to feel drowsy, but as yet I've managed to stay awa
I had a text message earlier with a link to book my Pfizer appointments and the Huddersfield venue. Even though the NHS website still says you have to be 40 and over I expect it to change shortly. I know someone who lives in Barnsley also in their 30s like me who had their first jab at the weekend too, so there are areas across the region ahead of what the NHS website says for now.
Yep. Just got my message to book at lundwood and I'm mid 30s so guess we're slightly ahead of the nationwide position.
My Brother who's 39 had his yesterday, he got text Friday morning, he had to queue for 30 mins tho at priory campus I had mine at Wakefield 15th March and was in and out in 5 minutes.