I'm guessing North Satnd row o seat 85 - Don't quote me on that though ! Well done! Gutted I can't go ....
How do you find out if successful? I have checked my email and logged onto eticketting thingy, but nothing.
You either have the money taken from your account or details of seats in your e ticket. Like you I have neither yet, but I did see a solo magpie on my walk so not entirely unexpected!
I've had an email pal. I imagine they're informing people as soon as they've been drawn, so I wouldn't worry just yet if you've not been drawn. Our young un said someone he works with got the email a few hours ago, I got mine half hour ago.
Ponty, first time since a league cup match that went to extra time about 6-7 years ago, second time ever since the seats went in.