If I were Wycombe I'd take my medicine and not chuck any money down the toilet. Take it as a moral victory.
4 million to sack cocu earlier on in the season plus Rooney on 4.7 million per year . I stopped reading after that bit . Unsustainable within ffp rules no matter how big you think you are .
Don’t deserve to stay up imo , paying players astronomical amounts they can’t afford is cheating imo. Hope these lads n lasses get another go in champ next year but won’t hold my breath. https://gasroom.org/discussion/6605/derby-county-ffp-and-the-efl
There is a bit in that article that is seemingly overlooked every time the discussion about overspending clubs going into admin comes about: This, however, would likely leave a large number of suppliers – and in particular small, local suppliers – considerably out of pocket at a time when few can afford to lose any more money, and it wouldn’t affect secured or football-related debts, while HMRC has had preferential creditor status again for VAT, PAYE and National Insurance contributions since December 2020. The Wigan fans in particular blatantly ignored the fact that them being put into admin last season would plunge many small, local businesses, many of them owned by their fellow Wigan supporters, into a financial black hole that I can imagine many struggle to recover from. Instead, they only looked at the football side, and claimed that the fans shouldn't be punished for the actions of the owners. Well, that paragraph I've copy/pasted above is the very essence of why any club being put into admin should be given a BIG punishment...
It is only a matter of time before a high-profile English club is unable to finish the season and all its results are void. Given the debts some of these clubs are carrying it is a surprise it hasn't happened already like it has in plenty of other countries - including Rangers, AEK Athens and some other *big* European names.
More common than you'd like to think unfortunately. Heard of one ex players mother being on Spurs cleaning gang a few years ago, even though you may have had to show her which end of the mop to use.
Wonder how many of those who said they'd. Never set foot in oakwell until this lot were gone. Stuck to their guns. Can't be arsed to trace em back. Any of you still out there. ?
Reasonable question. Interested to know what changed their minds. If indeed anyone did. Or if they're standing their ground. And why. Some fans are fickle and comment in the moment. Saying the rest of us were mugs. What old goat put forward re Derby was said by a few on here. " Not putting another penny into the club." And as for taking pot shots. Some of those were masters at it. If they don't like it. As the saying goes. What goes around comes around.
That's not unique to Spurs as it sounds.......allegedly if stories were to be believed at the time.....a certain Hugo Colace's wife was employed as a cleaner at oakwell to enable a signing on fee to be in place and paid....she never picked a brush or mop up.never mind a duster.. .plus further sinister shannigans.taking place.... allegedly Peter Ridsdales lets say lady friend was employed by the club as his Private secretary on More than the top earners at the club at the time....... Where money is concerned there's always some fiddle to be played ....the higher up the chain the bigger it gets
Slightly O/T but talking of pet birds... My mate had a parrot that could whistle two different notes simultaneously. It was 'Pollyphonic' I'll get mi Coit!!
"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime. " "Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught." "Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact." Quotes from Honoré de Balzac - French novelist and playwright. Born 1799 died 1850 Tours France. Now, there WAS a man who 'nailed it'!