If this is as far as we go this season then so be it. It’s been a terrific journey every step of the way. It doesn’t have to be the end of the road though. This team, this squad, this whole club is capable of making the final push. We can overcome Swansea and then it’s just one more game to win. We can do it. We WILL do it!!
I and many others can’t be there to see you give your all. But we all will be there. Feel us, like we’ve felt every bead of sweat that you have poured out representing our town. Our home. At this stage in your career and life our home is your home. We thank you for choosing us and for all that you have left behind to be here with us. We’ll be with you every second of every minute, willing you all on from wherever we may be in this world. For 90 mins on 17th and on 22nd our world is all of you. Life is and has been hard recently - you may never get this chance again to achieve the dream. Whatever happens, know that we all appreciate that you have given your all. There is still more all to give. We know you’ll give it. With bells on. Pride is a strong word not used lightly. We are all proud of you all. Now get out there and show the watching world what we all are. Yoooouuuuu Reeeeddddssss
You have made us all really proud, you have won friends and admirers from other teams and the media who have had the sense to watch your performances more than once, who do not judge on a single result. You have routinely p****d off every other manager who came to try and win a battle, who had to change their way of playing to try and overcome and then to comment on the Barnsley style after they’ve taken a beating. Go into these next 3 (yes 3) games with no fear, play your game and suffocate the life out of these prima donna teams. The pressure is on them, if they fail they implode. You cannot fail, only further succeed. UTR PS - for any further motivation please listen to the commentary from the Bournemouth away game
There appears to have been a seismic shift these last 12 months or so from treating people like customers to treating people like fans who belong. I found myself very impressed on a number of occasions with the way staff at the club went the extra mile to help supporters. The players have worked harder than any Barnsley team I've ever supported. The style of football isn't to everyone's taste, but in my opinion the speed and accuracy of some of the one touch football has been breathtaking and proved unstoppable. And the head of it all a manager who oozes charisma and is clearly inspirational. It's been a pleasure to support the club. I hope everyone involved in the operation takes huge pride in what has been achieved and I hope they can take those extra few steps to promotion. There isn't a club more deserving. Credit is due to all involved.
The most pleasing thing about this season is watching a group of players simply enjoying playing football. It’s clear to see the cohesion that this team possesses, in spades. 2 games left, potentially 3! So go out there with a smile on your faces & just enjoy it! What will be will be, either way you have broke records & made memories to last a lifetime!
Thank you. Each and every one of you, for making the last 12 months bearable. This pandemic has taken it's toll on everyone, some more than others. I've not had it as bad as some have, but this pandemic has cost me two jobs. I was made redundant in November, shortly after moving in with my partner, and was spending my days filling in application forms, hoping something would land. The only thing that was getting me through the week, was the anticipation of the next Barnsley game. Not only are we winning games, but we're going about it the right way. We've a squad full of young, exciting footballers, playing a brand of football that gets results. Overseen by a coach who knows what he wants, and is straight talking and passionate about what he does. We're doing it well within the parameters of the league rules, we aren't concerned whether we'll be saddles with a transfer embargo or a points deduction. We're taking on the big boys, and kicking the living daylights out of them. We went into this pandemic rooted in the relegation zone, and even as optimistic as I am, I didn't see much of a way out. Our style of play was a little pedestrian, and we seemed reliant on the performances of two players in particular. We're coming out of it, potentially in the Premier League. How the **** has that happened?! It was something I always believed possible under the current ownership, but to go from the brink of league one, to a potential seat at the top table in under a year is absolutely phenomenal. Every last one of you deserve so much credit. But now isn't the time to stop. You are 2 games away from 'the richest game in football' and 3 away from English football immortality. We are the perennial underdogs; we were unfancied to stay up last season, unfancied against Chelsea, Brentford, Bournemouth, Norwich etc this season. We were unfancied 25 years ago, when Danny Wilson's side kicked off the season at West Brom, with one of the lowest budgets in the 2nd tier. 270 more minutes, do it for the town, for the fans, for the gaffer, for all the staff at Oakwell, for Rimmo, Patrick and Reverend Preedy. But most of all, do it for yourselves. You're already heroes, time to become legends!!
Top drawer post. Fully agree. The transformation has been unbelievable. Still glory to achieve though.
Weve all had things to deal with. We've all struggled with One thIng or another. I'm not alone in that, and it's been a thoroughly testing time. Many in my position would have folded. Many have. I fought on. I won. And despite that, what had helped enormously, is watching this team grow. Watching this team develop, and become a team that fears no one. Its been inspiring, its allowed people to momentarily forget the pressures of life and become entrenched in 90 minutes of blood guts and thunder. What an achievement. Totally and utterly proud to call you my club. The only thing I request (which on the face of it can seem cheeky with what we have achieved thus far) is we have 3 games. 3 games, which could change your lives. 3 games which can change the club, and 3 games which change the town to be the countries 2nd team once more. More fans outside of barnsley are routing for ya than I can remember for a long time. So here is my request. For 90 minutes x 3, once more, never give in. Give it all, and if you find yourself struggling at any time or even for the final 10 minutes exhausted. It's 3 x 90 minutes. That could change everything in Barnsley. Just think if the pride you will bestow on your families. What an achievement to have on your CVs lads. Premier League. We can do it.... You can do it..... COOOOOMMMMEEE OONNNNNNNN YOOOO REEEEDDSSSS phew. I'm knackered now lol