You are not alone, However, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and hopefully it’s not an oncoming train.
In a way I'm glad I'm not going, I think it might be a really weird affair and I reckon I'm ok waiting till everything is back to normal. Really chuffed for everyone that managed to get a ticket though, shout us on to victory.
Except for the Club 64 nonsense (including moans from some that already had been successful in the ballot!) and the misplaced rage of SM This will go down in BBS history. Harry Potter and the curse of the Ballot/telly.. It's been entertaining if nothing else. COYR!
Although I am sad not to get a ticket (even more so for my lad who would have made enough noise for ten others) I hold no animosity towards those with the good fortune to be going. Jealous - yes. Hard feelings - absolutely not. Looking forward to the final!
Absolutely zero justification for this situation. I don’t understand why there isn’t more anger directed at the Government and the SAGE weirdos.
I'll say it, Know Your Enemy is an underrated classic! Soundtracked many an hour on Champ Manager (2000/2001?) in my vained attempts at getting Scarborough out of the conference and back into the old division 3. Halcyon days.