Has a meltdown at an imagined scenario where he doesn’t get a ticket, then comes to post his own thread gloating that he got a ticket an hour or so after lots on here have just found out they’re unsuccessful. Don’t forget to sprinkle in a bit of shame on those that haven’t been able to spare enough disposable income during a pandemic for a season ticket and this SM guy seems like a top bloke to me!
I think this is a great outcome, I really did think we'd be reading a story in the chron about a body being found in the dearne.
Assume you're both taking umbrage on this with the government, sage, etc. rather than the club? Seen as though rewarding your loyalty would result in taking the reward away from another equally deserving supporter? That's where the upset and anger should be directed. No way this game couldn't have gone ahead with a crowd of 7,800 and then every fan who took a chance on a season ticket could be rewarded.
Look there has to be winners and losers, I guess you're the latter, just get over it. Or get a season ticket, that might help.
You had a hissy fit before this even started. What a ******. Honestly feel for all the other “true reds” that missed out on a ticket for this cretin.
Well yeah it is but i think i'd have preferred more than the terse e-mail from the club telling me i was unsuccessful
I can understand that. But the only way to make you feel rewarded for your loyalty would be take the reward from someone else right? So maybe the e-mail could have been better, but you'd still feel like your loyalty wasn't rewarded. I was just wondering what other scenario within the ridiculous restrictions could have taken place? I genuinely gutted that not every season ticket holder who wants to be there will be there.
If no restrictions more than ST holders would have been there. Anyway, the ballot is over and done with now, let's concentrate on willing the lads on and numerous posts about who should be in the team!
There’s some really good people who are season ticket holders, like RedHelen, on this board that haven’t got tickets. Have a bit of respect and stop behaving like a cap end!