This is nothing to do with religion. Religion is just a means of picking sides. It’s about exercising power to occupy and take ownership of land. Ethnicity is not the same as religion, what is happening in East Jerusalem and the West Bank is ethnic cleansing. Hitler’s efforts to eradicate the Jews wasn’t based on religious grounds it was racism. Just like the Israeli government who are lead by a right wing authoritarian president in Netanyahu hell bent on clearing Arabs from Jerusalem from the West Bank.It is racism. You seem to be using this conflict to reinforce your skewed views which are straight from the Richard Dawkins playbook.
If the Jews were in the Palestinian's position you wouldn't have anyone supporting the Palestinian's right to treat them as they do. It's barbaric and everything Jews as a people have fought against. The abused have become the abusers.
Not a bad idea. Plans for world peace - applies to all countries…. 1) Compulsory to fly either Toby Tyke or Kes flag 2) ‘It’s just like watching Brazil’ – global anthem 3) All prayers to be replace by live matches 4) Sloppy peas to be No1 global dish followed by pork pie, fish & chips, black pudding. 5) Bossman to be appointed global spokesperson. 6) Free ale on global holiday called ‘Ismael Day.’ Sorted.
I'm sorry but there is little or no difference in ethnicity between the Jews and the Palestinians. They are historically from the same place and of the same genetic stock. The only real difference between them is religion. Further, both side deliberately attack religious sites of importance to the other side in order to provoke violence and thus justify their own actions. Take away the religion and there would in reality be little left to fight over - apart from as others have mentioned, oil.
It has been recently declared that Israel’s policies constitute apartheid. All Arabs are not Muslims and all Israelis are not Jews. I had a friend who was a Christian Arab who left because of persecution. His uncle was the Bishop of Jerusalem. The IDF demolished his house because he spoke out against the persecution of Arabs. Israel is currently in breach of International law, the charge is ‘crimes against humanity’ not religious persecution.
I'm not defending the Israelis. I'm not defending the Palestinians. I suppose if anyone is to blame for the problem, it was the international community for "giving" Israel to the persecuted Jews of Europe as their new homeland with no regard for the people already there. There are many facets to the problems there and religion is certainly one of major ones.
With the greatest of respect I think this is a gross misrepresentation of the situation. Do I condone Hamas firing rockets which could injure civilians? No. But this reads like it was a totally unprovoked attack - when in fact it was in response to the storming of The Jerusalem mosque using stun grenades, sounds grenades and rubber bullets - resulting in many innocent people being injured, on one of the most Holy nights in the Muslim calendar. All the reporting I've seen said Hamas issued an ultimatum for Israel to withdraw from the mosque complex an retaliated when they didn't. We can debate the importance of religion all we like or what a hypothetical world without it would look like - but the fact is it does, and to think that actions like this aren't going to inflame tensions is clearly nonsense. There are two options - either Israel knew that those actions would lead to escalation and did it anyway, or they didn't - in which case they must be totally stupid.
Then you need to read this.
Just to be clear here, I never said there wasn't provocation , and its wrong as was response by Hamas no. I honestly can't see any justification for either sides actions with the rockets and shelling's. Then again I struggle to believe what happens in the name of religion full stop and I definitely can't see how anybody can stand one lot of religious fanatics up as being better than the other. Probably the atheist in me I suppose.
Unfortunately it appears it is. The Red Cross and other groups are trying to get over 300 critically wounded patients out of Gazza for treatment as the hospital and health care system is over run. But the Israeli armed forces are blocking travel outside the area as reported on German and French news.
Careful mate, you’ll be getting called an anti-Semitic Corbynite in a minute for calling out literal war crimes...
Slayer. "I'm a godless heretic not a god fearing lunatic that's why It's become my obsession to treat god like an infection" Spread a little hate worldwide.