I appreciate that I must be living in the past - but it's the one that tells me that the vast majority of the country won't vote for anything that doesn't appeal to people like me. I wasn't asking for Blair to return btw. Although quoting what Gordon Brown polled in 2010 makes me wonder whether you understand the difference between Blair and poor old Gordon. Chalk and cheese they were. I don't follow the stuff that you attach btw. I can remember scare stories that you attached as evidence in the past, and I think on balance it's better to stick with one's own thoughts, rather than import the efforts of others.
Your comment was worst defeat in living memory. Brown got a lower percentage of the vote in 2010. Miliband then succeeded in losing Scotland which makes seat comparisons very difficult and yes I’d say that for Starmer too. Yup always ignore data and make decisions without considering it. Definitely the way to go. Explains you thinking people are yearning for Blair though. For my part Blair did marginally more harm than good which is more than you can say for most politicians but those days are gone.
Fair enough, but I couldn't imagine Lewis having much more appeal than Sir Keir. He could muster only five MP's to nominate him last time around. I think there is a crying need for Labour's next leader to come from (or represent) the North. Andy Burnham and Angela Rayner are clearly already flexing their muscles. You could also make a credible argument that the next leader should be female, which ought to bring Lisa Nandy into play. Personally, despite some reservations I think I'd go for Dan Jarvis, if he could be persuaded to stand. Intelligent, moderate, with a back record that would be very difficult for the Tories to attack, and also (dare I say it) photogenic.
One thing I would say about opposition a footballer with no MPs managed to inflict 2 policy u turns last year proving if you focus on an issue and offer an alternative 80 seat majority or not you can get things done. As for Lewis. The PLP would be an issue but they don’t reflect the wider electorate. Burnham has charisma and would also be a decent shout.
i think that perhaps in the coming months there will be no choice. I’d expect Labour to drop to 25% to 27% in the polls and the Greens to rise up to 15%. I suspect the PLP who Burnham said worked against him in 2015 due to him being soft left would now get more support but Lewis may also get on the ballot.
Possibly but I suspect of the right within the PLP have to accede to someone vaguely left to stop the drift of support to the Greens they will see him as least worst.