From what Swansea offered last night theres no need to be wary. Lets go Gung Ho from minute one Saturday. Pile the pressure on. Woodrow, Dyke and Morris we will turn it around. Early goal and game on.
No need to panic, there’s 90 minutes of football left to be played. Going gung ho too early might not be the wisest move, let’s be patient. Swansea have a goal advantage, but psychologically they’ll be feeling the pressure more than us, what do they do? Sit back? Go for another? Its a free hit for us. Personally I reckon they’ll be more cautious employing the same time wasting tactics they did last night. So let’s be patient because if we get that first goal, the momentum swings in our favour. I would start Morris & Chaplin over Dike & Frieser.
I agree. It takes one bounce or one bit of composure to get a breakthrough. I think if we over commit, they have the quality to unpick us, just like the other 2 teams in the playoffs. I do think if we've to have any hope, Ismael needs to find a new tactic, because hoofing it at Dike is getting us nowhere. Swansea have our number, and although they didn't create lots of chances against us (I don't think they create that many chances full stop) they are dangerous and have quality when it matters and they were good at turning us. If we concede a second early doors I think its game over and they'll get 2 or 3. I'm not sure what the tactics should be. Smaller more nimble forwards, playing the three right up against their centre halves rather than Dike being more advanced and more isolated maybe. Or pull two forwards really wide to double up down the flanks. We've got to stretch them somehow, ad lobbing balls into touch or loosely in the direction of a forward from 50 yards isn't good enough against Swansea. I do think we've got to start Morris though. If he tires, he tires, but he's got quality in spades and I think Woodrow looks better with a foil that can hold the ball and has more football intelligence. I'd probably go Chaplin as the other forward. I'd be surprised if Ismael completely changed formations and I'm not we have the personnel to. Still, its just 1 goal down. I didn't fancy us from the start to be honest, but we're not out of it. One bit of luck, a bobble, a mistake, and the game can change and how do Swansea respond if we fially break through in the 4th game against them?
In recent games the best forward 3 IMO was against Norwich - Woodrow,Morris, Chaplin. Their link up was excellent and each offers something different. Swansea managed Dike all game, it was Morris who they struggled against and be no harm to have Dike off the bench late on against a more tired defence
I think we need to find a way to get Styles further foreward to run at them and get in behind them for quality crosses, mix things up a bit, the game changed when Morris came on and started to turn and run at em.