I own a Sharp Aquos smart tv. Over the last few days i have not been able to access Netflix or YouTube. There is a fault notice that says the tv is not connected to the internet. The tv channels work fine (Sky) and the wifi works. Not had this issue before. Any ideas how to restore the problem? If you can then please could you explain as if you were telling a ten year old.
Is there an option to go into settings on the TV and reset it, then try again? Alternatively try connecting by pressing the sync button on front right of router if tv accepts connections like that.
Try the old trick of rebooting it.Switch all power off for a few seconds then switch back on.Works for me from tv,phone,and my little box.
If its taught me anything its how to get the attention of both step daughters and thats by turning the wifi off for 60 seconds.
Never fails! Quicker out of his room than a terrier down a rabbit hole if WiFi is ever disconnected!!