When I heard/saw this. The BBC should take "every possible step" to ensure that nothing like its deceit of the Princess of Wales to secure an interview ever happens again, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said. From honest Boris. “Now where’s that £350M pw.”
The BBC should take "every possible step" to ensure that nothing like the deceit of the electorate to secure a premiership ever happens again, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said.
So a former journalist, who was sacked from the Times for lying, becomes a politician, where he was sacked from the Shadow Cabinet for lying, and is quite famous for his complete inability to separate fact from fiction, is now leading the cries of outrage against the BBC?
Nowt to do with Boris but a good excuse for him to take some heat of his ineptitude as Prime Minister!
Well, he lied about the £350m pw on the side of his battle Bus(chuffin battle bus he called it) and actually said it was an understatement. Along with these other lies that I recall. 1. Claimed there "will be no change to the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic. 2. Lied about Turkey being about to join the EU with another 4 states. 3. Said we can't dip our bread in olive oil in a restaurant because of EU law. 4. Lied saying the EU was spending our EU budget money to support bullfighting. 5. Lied about the EU preventing bananas from being sold in bunches of no more than 3. 6. Lied about the EU banning children from blowing up balloons. 7. Lied about the EU forcing fish to be delivered with an ice pillow while waving a pair of kippers around his mop of hair. 8. Lied about Yellowhammer. 9. Lied to the DUP about the border in the Irish sea (no Conservative government would contemplate this he said at their conference) And let us finish with his disgusting contributions. 1. Called the French turds who shafted Britain. 2. Joked about dead bodies in Libya. 3. Broke the ministerial code. 4. Defended Rupert Murdock in the phone-hacking scandal. 5. Said voting Tory will cause your wife's breasts to get bigger. 6. Called gay boys Tank top bum boys. 7. While visiting Uganda said right let's go look at some more Piccanninies. 8. Called Muslim woman letterboxes and bank robbers. But the one that makes my blood boil is when he Refused to apologize for abusing the memory of Joe Cox. Rant over for now.
My list of ****s got much longer through lockdown. Even Dan Walker is on there. If there’s an Eric tribute on Footy Focus today, he’ll be reprieved.