REMEMBERING ERIC Club News The Reds lost a bonafide Club legend yesterday and we got the thoughts of players and staff who shared amazing memories with Eric Winstanley. Continue reading on the official site...
Wow it is clear how highly regarded he was from the players and colleagues that worked with him. I hope he knew how much he was thought of by them. Incredible tributes. I hope it brings some comfort to his family too.
I've not stopped since I heard the news last night and all the tributes and stories kept coming in...... Such lovely stories about a man held in high regard
Such wonderful and Genuine comments that we can all appreciate. Even as fans. The comments that used to come out during his time at the club. Bear em out. Fantastic coach. Man manager and great person to boot. As others have said, I believe. “Just like watching Brazil.” Was a testament to his coaching. And as stated in another thread. My first hero as a player. Quality.
Wow What great heartfelt comments and you know they are meant not just empty words . I was in bits reading those tributes and the more i read the more I grieved and when I got to Barry Murphy comments especially as I’d seen them together in the flesh give their all to my passion my club I was a blubbering wreck not worthy of being called a man indeed of some of my pit mates saw they’d have called me all sorts that i can’t mention . But that’s what he meant to me he was a boyhood hero a great symbol of my youth and my passion and continued to be one of my heroes long after he hung up his boots . His influence on my other heroes and his words after we were promoted about so called smaller clubs are forever enshrined in my heart . Thank you Eric my hero.
Wow, I have to say, it was lump in the throat time reading those comments from former Barnsley players. Such fine tributes to the big man, shows the huge esteem in which he was held.
Bloomin Heck, those are all unbelievably fantastic and genuine comments for one of our All Time greats from a lot of our other recent (ish) greats.......feeling so lucky I was able to watch him dazzle on the pitch many times in my early reds supporting years.....
One of the saddest facts of life in my opinion is that people can't read their own obituaries and tributes from others following their death. I truly hope he knew how well regarded and adored he was by so many.