First of all, loved him when he was here and have respected him since. But whilst he 'managed the game' when he was here he's taken it to a new level since hasn't he? Lost my sh** with him several times tonight over his antics. I admit that I did want him to return one day. I don't any longer. He no longer has the legs to play for us, he couldn't live with the pace. As others have said on another thread, I hope Brentford beat them at Wembley and think they will. He'll return to Villa and will leave this summer back to the Championship imo, be it at Swansea or somewhere else - Forest maybe (they seem to like older players). I'm just glad it won't be with us.
I adored Conor when he played for us and was gutted when he left but the last two matches have made me realise that nobody can match the players pulling on the shirt for us.
I agree with most of what you say. He benefitted from Winnall not being good enough to draw an offer from anyone better than Wednesday (which i don't begrudge him from taking) And then looking the good guy for not going to them because he had better offers. The problem is that they're professionals and we're fans.
I accept I may be in a minority saying this but if doing "your best" is diving and cheating then I think it is shameful. I accept that the culture at some clubs makes it more acceptable than others - Swansea and Bournemouth are both examples (perhaps because they've come out of the Premier League in the recent past) of where it appears to be expected and even coached. And no, I don't have any evidence to support this but believe it has to be based on just how often it happens. At other clubs it isn't as prevalent. Leeds for example, Sheffield United, Rotherham, and I'm happy to say, Barnsley FC. I don't accept the argument that "everyone else does it so it's ok". It doesn't make it right. It's cheating, it's disrespecting your fellow professionals, it's killing the game and it's shameful.
I thought he was the worst player on the field in the first leg by a clear margin and the second worst tonight after Vic.
Would have my second favourite player after Redfearn back tomorrow. He's more than good enough to play regularly at our level, brings a lot of experience and I miss his shithousery.
Hourihane was good player for us. He had a purple patch before he left but he has always been a little overrated by our fans. I know this isn’t a universal feeling and I’m not saying he wasn’t a very good player for us. I do love him though and have nothing but respect for how he handles himself about his connection to BFC.