I don't care what their apologists think of me. Anyone who boos their team taking a knee is a racist scumbag, in my opinion.
I take it that you were at the game then? If so fair enough, however, it must have been a small minority since it was not evident on the TV coverage.
Mind boggling. A 5 second gesture promoting the sentiment we should all unite agasint racism. How can anyone be so angry about that they feel the need to boo?
Putting the reason why they are kneeling to one side, why anyone would boo one of their players is beyond me.
It absolutely was audible on TV. I heard it. It was quickly drowned out by applause, but I definitely heard it.
I could have got this wrong but im sure i saw were taking the knee was going to continue to the end of this season then they were going to think of doing something else.
I'm not for one taking to the knee....not because I dislike people doing its because it will cause a divide. Then again something needs to be done as weve advertised "against racism" all over every stadium and it as continued. Thats why some action from players had to be done. People either need educating or some people are just born to be pure evil an horrible people. All we can do is keep banning them and jail them.
No clubs will be taking the knee next season. I'm guessing that there'll be a more coordinated and meaningful show of solidarity. What that might be I don't know.
Education You can’t educate pork as the saying goes. (Not in reference to our S6 friends) They do it to seek attention with like minded friends. (Any friend of mine would get short shrift. Thankfully there are none in my circle) And think it’s funny. The only funny thing is. they’ll plead innocence if punished. Eg ST removed. Booing taking the knee. Is not, I assume breaking any laws. So making em out to be pariahs is the only solution. As in this thread. It May encourage folk to challenge em. One or two it may get through to. Trouble is. Most People stand by and won’t get involved. I understand that, because of the fear of violence. But if like minded folk are in the majority they’ll back down if confronted. You’re mainly dealing with cowards. Take the Billy Sharpe incident at Donny. Also those that obstruct views. I’ve seen on many occasions. idiots back down when confronted by someone of stature ready to take em on with similar persons.
I really wish it was that straight forward. Would be a lot easier to solve if it was. I think it's massively more complicated and deep-seated than that. It's the product of over 500 years of premeditated subjugation, across the 4 corners.
You only need one rotten apple mate. Remove it and see what happens. Parents excuse. My young Billy hangs out with the wrong crowd. ( when he’s the instigator) I have spoken in meetings with SYP . And if they can get rid of the ringleader. it works on the others.(change of influence) A couple of years ago we had an undesirable load of young uns encouraged by Neanderthals. They went into schools. Then to parents with photo evidence. We went from being the worst in South Yorkshire by a country mile. To it being mostly eradicated. That doesn’t need education. ( Short sharp shocks)
I just find it tragic beyond words. But its not surprising at all. And that makes it even more tragic still. The trajectory of this country is deeply worrying, and amid a backdrop of intentional divide and rule by the government, I can't even imagine what could end up happening. But of course there will still be some who insist there is no such thing as racism in this country.
I watched it on TV and definitely heard it...enough to be thoroughly ashamed as a Barnsley fan when talking to my in-laws about it. As a small club and a town often-ignored - trod upon by those in power for no other reason that we weren't born in riches...I thought most fans could understand what raising awareness of this kind of issue was all about. Clearly I hoped for too much. But it won't stop me from never becoming part of the problem, whether it's in relation to gender, race, poverty or anything else.
It definitely happened at Oakwell last Monday. I applauded the players for doing it and shouted "keep doing it" - and I mean for the next ten years until the booing stops. Millwall stopped doing it because in their words "it doesn't achieve anything". That's utter carp. They stopped doing it to pander to their racist supporters, and other racist supporters at other clubs will do the same if we don't stand up to them. I've said it before but they should continue taking the knee because it upsets the racists, and reminds them that they are not welcome at football grounds. For anyone to be distressed because the players take 10 seconds or less bending their knee is pathetic.