Ended up in a foam party on our wedding night so no first dance per se, at the ceremony the registrar asked however if we’d like a bit of music beforehand... sure why not... cue Elton Johns “it’s no sacrifice” ..... hmmmm
Marriage one - Let Love speak up itself (quite ironic as it only lasted a year) Beautiful South Marriage two and hopefully the last - She's the one, Robbie Williams
We were very similar , registry office, meal then had a barbecue at ours in the evening. Lots of music played and some dancing but no offficial first dance.
Apologies for the preamble Me and the wife got married in Cyprus a few years ago. Wedding was on the hotel grounds overlooking the ocean, had a meal at a restaurant with friends and family afterwards then eventually back to the hotel for the evening disco plus the all inclusive drinks ofc DJ, well i say DJ, it was just whichever reps turn it was in charge of the music that night, got us up and asked us if their was a song we wanted playing for our first dance. We genuinely hadnt even thought about it, so me, quite a few beers deep, said 'play owt, it will bi reight' We got this as our first dance, with friends, family and random hotel guests joining in
Back in 1971 they didn’t do a first dance. after the ‘tea’ we went off on the honeymoon and left them all to it. I do remember what was playing on the jukebox in the Alhambra pub when I first met the missus back in 1965. It was Bob Dylan’s “Like a Rolling Stone”.
We didn't have a first dance song. Because we had no guests. We sneaked off to Gretna and got married on our own. And then went for a lovely drive around the southern scottish border and afterwards, went for a quiet meal. Picked up our photos the following morning, drove to the airport and went on holiday. It was bliss. We had been together for 25 years by the point we got married, so my wife didn't want the fuss. Best day of my life.
This was ours. Lovely stuff. Up and downs since but doesn’t everyone? All good these days. puts a smile on my face when I hear it.