I've just received a glossy private jet catalogue today in a well-targeted mailshot. Before making a decision, I wondered if anyone on here has bought one - if so any tips would be appreciated. In particular, will I need to upgrade my driving licence? And can I park it on Dodworth High Street?
The ability to talk down to peons about Global Warming, whilst jetting all over the world ignoring all COVID-19 restrictions, is essential.
Was about to place an order, then realised that the model I chose isn't available in RHD format. B0llox.
My job brings me into contact with a lot of these people. The market really needs to be regulated as the carbon emissions are obscene. So many of the flights are to avoid moderate drives or on routes with commercial options available. These need to be taxed to the hilt with proceeds going to carbon positive projects.
I've come to settled conclusion the Bombardier ones aren't as smooth or spacious as the old Learjets.
All this reminds me of the time I tried flying lessons many years ago. On my last lesson, the instructor asked me to try a landing, for the very first time. I was nervous, but agreed to have a go. As we approached the airfield, I saw the runway and was petrified. "What's up?" asked the instructor. "The runway looks very short" said I, sweating. "Ah yes" said the instructor "but look how wide it is...."
Always go for an automatic, easier to park. I like one with a sunroof, but can't quite commit to fully convertible.